
25Sep22 : International Conference on Suicide Prevention, Patient Safety, Equal Pay, Peace, Sign Language, Disabilities, Rehabilitation, Medical, Health, Education, Environment & Sustainable Development (ICSPPSEPPSLDRMHEESD-2022)

Conference Date & Timings : Sunday, 25th Sep 2022, 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM (IST GMT+05:30 INDIA)

Free Registration, Collaboration, Presentation, Participation and E-Certificate : https://forms.gle/NXRnw16vQqWZF5pV6

Conference Joining Link : https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3898917165?pwd=Rjk2NWs1Z1BlT2M0M3U3cXhEeUJpdz09

Zoom Meeting ID : 389 891 7165 , Passcode: 269Q3W

Topic :

Commemoration of International / Regional / National / Local : Decades /Years /Weeks /Days & Events

Resource Person / Speaker / Presenter / Panelist :

Sri. Dr. Ravindra R. M.

Moderator & Coordinator

Environment, Social, Nature, Wild Life, Animal Welfare, Health, Heritage, Culture, Knowledge : Promotion, Conservation & Activist

Multidisciplinary Professional, Philosopher, Philanthropist,

Faculty & Consultant: Psychology, Medical Psychiatric Social Work, Social Work, Counseling, Career Guidance.

Spiritual Mentor & Guide.

Visiting & Guest Faculty, India.

Member of Various Professional Associations.

(Mass Communication & Journalism, Public Relations)

Organized, Presented, Participated in Various Webinars, Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums, Conferences, FDPs, Training, Awareness and Outreach programs: Offline, Online and Hybrid Mode at State, National, Regional and International Levels.

and other eminent speakers and sessions.


E-Certificates for Resource Persons / Speakers / Panelists :

Shared with Resource Persons / Speakers / Panelists within/after 15 working days after webinar, who have presented and completed all formalities.

E-Certificates for Participants :

Link to download E-certificate Shall be Shared within 15/after working days after webinar : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NhFdbvpeffSZ9SK_412t5cRzhY4YSQOL?usp=sharing

Kindly Note :

E-Certificates shall be issued to all eligible participants, those who have registered, attended all the sessions and filled feedback form in Webinar, opted for certificate and completed all formalities, within/after 15 working days after webinar on website.