
*Free E-Certificate for all. Join us for today's Sessions, International Webinar on Diabetes, Health, Well Being & Sustainable Development (IWSHHWBSD-2022) , sessions at 5 PM onwards, 15-Nov-22, (GMT +5:30, IST)* on occasion of *World Diabetes Day*

*Webinar Zoom Joining Link (Same Link for all days & events)* : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9705503767?pwd=Q1VKVGJOUG4vN1Y0MmNMQllKSk8wUT09

*Zoom Meeting ID*: 9705503767 Passcode: 2022

*Invite and Share with your friends, colleagues, students, groups, social media*

*Free E-Certificate/Delegate/Participant/ Speaker/Presenter/Panelist/ Collaboration : Registration Form* : https://forms.gle/4ZpruoaRpy2hR1Pj8

Coordinator Sri. Dr. Ravindra R M @ +91 970 550 3767, wswd2022@gmail.com

For all updates on *Webinars/conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Registration/Certificates

*Add & Subscribe to Google Calendar* : https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=ZjQ0ZG04OGdhbDlkcm9pcmxpMmtra2lrcmdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

*Like & Follow Facebook Page* : https://www.facebook.com/IWSHHWBSD2022/

*Join Facebook Group* : https://facebook.com/groups/772947427018019/

*Join our SHHFI Telegram Channel (Telegram App)* : https://t.me/srihhfindia

*Website* : http://www.sricasw.org . Bookmark or add to favorites in browser.

*Register, Attend, Provide Feedback and Download* your participation certificates from Website.

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#worldsocialworkday2022 #socialworkday2022 #worldsocialworkweek #Worldsocialworkmonth #sciences #socialsciences


E-Certificates for Resource Persons / Speakers / Panelists :

Shared with Resource Persons / Speakers / Panelists within/after 15 working days after webinar, who have presented and completed all formalities.

E-Certificates for Participants :

Link to download E-certificate Shall be Shared within 15/after working days after webinar : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1o4lqTbqLM7FEHS6943bPru5jnsht-Ims?usp=share_link

Kindly Note :

E-Certificates shall be issued to all eligible participants, those who have registered, attended all the sessions and filled feedback form in Webinar, opted for certificate and completed all formalities, within/after 15 working days after webinar on website.