
Free Registration - Two Days International Seminar on Cancer, Health, Well-Being and Sustainable Development 2023 (ISCHWBSD-2023)

Conference Date & Timings : Saturday & Sunday, 11 & 12 Feb 2023, 06:00 PM Onwards (IST GMT+05:30 INDIA)

Free Registration, Collaboration, Presentations, Participation and E-Certificate : https://forms.gle/US4u5CSe3RqAcGXc6

Conference Joining Link : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9705503767?pwd=Q1VKVGJOUG4vN1Y0MmNMQllKSk8wUT09 ,

Meeting ID: 970 550 3767 , Passcode: 2022


Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav

(Nation Celebrating 75 Years of Independence) INDIA@75

UN Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 Awareness & Campaigns

in collaboration with



06:00 PM

Invocation, Inaugural & Welcome Address

SHHFI & SRICASW Introduction / Presentation

Fun/ Music/ Edutainment/ Technical/ Scientific Sessions:

By Eminent & Distinguished Speakers, Resource Faculties

For Speakers & Presentations after registration, Contact/WhatsApp Conference Coordinator Sri. Dr. Ravindra @ +91 970 550 3767

Cancer, Health, Well-Being  and Sustainable Development

Dr. Ravindra R M

Moderator & Coordinator

Environment, Social, Nature, Wild Life, Animal  Welfare, Health, Heritage, Culture, Knowledge : Promotion, Conservation & Activist

Multidisciplinary Professional, Philosopher, Philanthropist,

Faculty & Consultant: Psychology, Medical Psychiatric Social Work, Social Work, Counseling, Career Guidance, Mass Communication & Journalism, Public Relations.

Spiritual Mentor & Guide.

Visiting & Guest Faculty, India.

Member of Various Professional Associations.

Organized, Presented, Participated in  Various Webinars, Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums, Conferences, FDPs, Training, Awareness and Outreach programs : Offline, Online and Hybrid Mode at State, National, Regional and International Levels.

Duration : 03-45 Minutes, or as required.

and other speakers/presenters and sessions.

Vote of Thanks & Valedictory

For making Presentations you may WhatsApp Conference Coordinator Sri. Dr. Ravindra @ +91 970 550 3767

For Speakers/Presenters/Presentations :

Mandatory : Share Details for Speakers/Presenters/Panelists/Resource Persons for Presentations

Tentative Date for Presentation :

Tentative Timings for Presentation :

Session Duration (Min 5 minutes - Max 2 Hours) :

Title / Topic / Activity :

Full Name :

Designation /Profession :

Organization / Institution : If applicable


Your Introduction : Brief Intro for the participants

Contact/WhatsApp number :

E-mail address :

PPT Presentation / Activity / Session Abstract/Summary File :

(for flyer/brochure)

Photo :

Resume/Biodata/CV/Profile File :

Share details To Coordinator :  Dr. Ravindra R M , WhatsApp +919705503767 & email address : wswd2022@gmail.com 

Optional (If required, For Collaboration/Co-Signatory : Flyer/E-Certificates - PNG (Transparent Preferred)/JPEG File)

Organization Logo :

Scanned Signature : (for e-certificates as co-signatory)

Registration Form Free & Mandatory : https://forms.gle/US4u5CSe3RqAcGXc6 

E-Certificate : Shall be provided for all registered participants attending all the sessions of Webinar and submission of feedback form. E-Certificate Download Link will be shared on Conference/Webinar Website within 15 working days .

Conference Joining Link :  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9705503767?pwd=Q1VKVGJOUG4vN1Y0MmNMQllKSk8wUT09  

Zoom Meeting ID: 970 550 3767 , Passcode: 2022

Seminar Website : https://sites.google.com/view/internationalwebinarseries/specialdays-schedule/2023-special-days/11feb23

All Events Calendar / Schedule : https://sites.google.com/view/internationalwebinarseries/iwshhwbsd-2022-schedule

For E-Certificate & Related Queries : https://sites.google.com/view/internationalwebinarseries/e-certificates

International Webinar Series on Holistic Health, Well Being & Sustainable Development (IWSHHWBSD-2022)

Free Delegate/ Participant/ Speaker/ Presenter/ Panelist/ Resource Person/ Collaboration Registration Form : https://forms.gle/4ZpruoaRpy2hR1Pj 

Daily Sessions :

International Webinars : Weekdays (Monday-Saturday) Timings  : 06:00-08:00 PM (IST, GMT+05:30 INDIA)

International Conferences : Every Sunday : 10:50 AM - 06:00 PM (IST, GMT+05:30 INDIA)

For all updates,upcoming events, registration forms, feedback forms, e-certificate links, program schedule, join/visit our 

SHHFI Website : https://sites.google.com/view/sriholistichealthfoundationin/   

SHHFI Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/srihhfindia/

SRICASW Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sricasw/

Join SHHFI Telegram Channel (Telegram App) : https://t.me/srihhfindia   

Join Facebook Group : https://facebook.com/groups/772947427018019/ 

Website : http://www.sricasw.org  & Website : https://sites.google.com/view/wwwsricasworg/ 

Website is being updated with latest information. Keep checking often for latest updates. Thank your for Visiting.

Thanks for your interest in Two Days International Seminar on Cancer, Health, Well-Being and Sustainable Development 2023 (ISCHWBSD-2023)

We invite you all and Look forward for your active presentations and participation.


E-Certificates for Resource Persons / Speakers / Panelists :

Shared with Resource Persons / Speakers / Panelists within/after 15 working days after webinar/seminar/conference, who have presented and completed all formalities.

E-Certificates for Participants :

Link to download E-certificate Shall be Shared within/after 15 working days after webinar/seminar/conference : 

Kindly Note :

E-Certificates shall be issued to all eligible participants, those who have registered, attended all the sessions and filled feedback form in webinar/seminar/conference, opted for certificate and completed all formalities, within/after 15 working days after webinar/seminar/conference on website.