
Free Registration Form : International Conference on Poverty Eradication, Media, Information Literacy, Indian Social Work, Indigenous Social Work, Eminent Indian Social Workers & Reformers, Education, Environment, Health, United Nations, Disarmament & Sustainable Development (ICPEMILISWEISWREEHUNDSD2022)

Conference Date & Timings : Sunday, 23rd Oct 2022, 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM (IST GMT+05:30 INDIA)

Free Registration, Collaboration, Presentations, Participation and E-Certificate : https://forms.gle/mUU1ya5DDmjw9iBb8

Conference Joining Link : https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3898917165?pwd=Rjk2NWs1Z1BlT2M0M3U3cXhEeUJpdz09

Zoom Meeting ID : 389 891 7165 , Passcode: 269Q3W


Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav

(Nation Celebrating 75 Years of Independence) INDIA@75

UN Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 Awareness & Campaigns

Bharatiya Samaj Karya Divas (Indian Social Work Day/Week/Month - 11 Oct 2022)

in collaboration with



11:00 AM

Invocation, Inaugural & Welcome Address

SHHFI & SRICASW Introduction / Presentation

Technical/Scientific Sessions:

By Eminent & Distinguished Speakers, Resource Faculties

For Speakers & Presentations after registration, Contact/WhatsApp Conference Coordinator Sri. Dr. Ravindra @ +91 970 550 3767

Poverty Eradication, Media, Information Literacy, Indian Social Work, Indigenous Social Work, Eminent Indian Social Workers & Reformers, Education, Environment, Health, United Nations, Disarmament & Sustainable Development (ICPEMILISWEISWREEHUNDSD2022)

Sri. Dr. Ravindra R. M.

Moderator & Coordinator

Environment, Social, Nature, Wild Life, Animal Welfare, Health, Heritage, Culture, Knowledge : Promotion, Conservation & Activist

Multidisciplinary Professional, Philosopher, Philanthropist,

Faculty & Consultant: Psychology, Medical Psychiatric Social Work, Social Work, Counseling, Career Guidance.

Spiritual Mentor & Guide.

Visiting & Guest Faculty, India.

Member of Various Professional Associations.

(Mass Communication & Journalism, Public Relations)

Organized, Presented, Participated in Various Webinars, Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums, Conferences, FDPs, Training, Awareness and Outreach programs : Offline, Online and Hybrid Mode at State, National, Regional and International Levels.

and other eminent speakers and sessions.

Vote of Thanks & Valedictory

For making Presentations you may WhatsApp Conference Coordinator Sri. Dr. Ravindra @ +91 970 550 3767

For Speakers/Presenters/Presentations :

Mandatory : Share Details for Speakers/Presenters/Panelists/Resource Persons for Presentations

Tentative Date for Presentation :

Tentative Timings for Presentation :

Session Duration (In minutes - Max 2 Hours) :

Title / Topic :

Full Name :

Designation :

Organization :

Your Introduction : Brief Intro for the participants

Contact/WhatsApp number :

E-mail address :

PPT Presentation / Session Abstract/Summary File :

(for flyer/brochure)

Photo :

Resume/Biodata/CV/Profile File :

Optional (If required, For Collaboration/Co-Signatory : Flyer/E-Certificates - PNG (Transparent Preferred)/JPEG File)

Organization Logo :

Scanned Signature : (for e-certificates as co-signatory)

Share details To Coordinator : Dr. Ravindra R M , WhatsApp +919705503767 & email address : wswd2022@gmail.com

Registration Form Free & Mandatory : https://forms.gle/mUU1ya5DDmjw9iBb8

E-Certificate : Shall be provided for all registered participants attending all the sessions of Webinar and submission of feedback form. E-Certificate Download Link will be shared on Conference/Webinar Website within 15 working days .

Bonus E-Certificate : Wonderful Opportunity to get Both National Webinar Certificate and International Conference Certificate by attending other sessions of conference. Further instructions will be provided in the Webinar. Register for Free Delegate/Participant Registration Form : https://forms.gle/WUbPaYsiApK4a8un6

Conference Joining Link : https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3898917165?pwd=Rjk2NWs1Z1BlT2M0M3U3cXhEeUJpdz09 ,

Zoom Meeting ID : 389 891 7165 , Passcode: 269Q3W

Conference Website : https://sites.google.com/view/internationalwebinarseries/sundays-schedule/oct22/23oct22

All Events Calendar / Schedule : https://sites.google.com/view/internationalwebinarseries/iwshhwbsd-2022-schedule

For E-Certificate & Related Queries : https://sites.google.com/view/internationalwebinarseries/e-certificates

International Webinar Series on Holistic Health, Well Being & Sustainable Development (IWSHHWBSD-2022)

Free Delegate/ Participant/ Speaker/ Presenter/ Panelist/ Resource Person/ Collaboration Registration Form : https://forms.gle/4ZpruoaRpy2hR1Pj

Daily Sessions :

International Webinars : Weekdays (Monday-Saturday) Timings : 06:00-08:00 PM (IST, GMT+05:30 INDIA)

International Conferences : Every Sunday : 10:50 AM - 06:00 PM (IST, GMT+05:30 INDIA)

For all updates,upcoming events, registration forms, feedback forms, e-certificate links, program schedule, join/visit our

SHHFI Website : https://sites.google.com/view/sriholistichealthfoundationin/

SHHFI Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/srihhfindia/

SRICASW Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sricasw/

Join SHHFI Telegram Channel (Telegram App) : https://t.me/srihhfindia

Join Facebook Group : https://facebook.com/groups/772947427018019/

Website : http://www.sricasw.org & Website : https://sites.google.com/view/wwwsricasworg/

Website is being updated with latest information. Keep checking often for latest updates. Thank your for Visiting.

Thanks for your interest in International Conference on Poverty Eradication, Media, Information Literacy, Indian Social Work, Indigenous Social Work, Eminent Indian Social Workers & Reformers, Education, Environment, Health, United Nations, Disarmament & Sustainable Development (ICPEMILISWEISWREEHUNDSD2022)

We invite you all and Look forward for your active presentations and participation.


E-Certificates for Resource Persons / Speakers / Panelists :

Shared with Resource Persons / Speakers / Panelists within/after 15 working days after webinar, who have presented and completed all formalities.

E-Certificates for Participants :

Link to download E-certificate Shall be Shared within 15/after working days after webinar : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HfuL9SVvrqDuksBxfhSPkU-NjdB0KvYB?usp=share_link

Kindly Note :

E-Certificates shall be issued to all eligible participants, those who have registered, attended all the sessions and filled feedback form in Webinar, opted for certificate and completed all formalities, within/after 15 working days after webinar on website.