Since then I have seen myself explore the depths of my being. I suddenly thought again what path I will be choosing. I still didn’t know what to do for the rest of my life. I didn’t know myself completely. Sometimes, for each time I make a decision, I was always not sure if I was right. We are taught to follow God’s plan, but a lot of times we don’t even know if we are.. especially when we are given many options and all of them are right. Are we suppose to choose the path that may not make us truly happy? Are we not called to carve our own path? I never had any bad intentions.

Throughout the next few days, I lately found a new interest - an interest that is not only a thing for so many people, but would also, in a way, eventually shape the direction and future of leadership in the days to come. And that thing is K-pop.

Alright.. it’s not really new to me. In all honesty, I have actually been listening to K-pop for nearly ten years, but it was very different compared to today. This era in K-pop came off like a resurgence, because it used to be a thing in the early 2010s. Nowadays it already became a culture, and in my case it became an inspiration for me to take on more creative projects. For one thing, the girls from Blackpink were always subjects for many of my Illustrator drawings. But it all started from Momoland. If it hadn’t for them then we wouldn’t be here. They released a song earlier this year and the rest is history.

Following a slew of newly discovered bops on Spotify from the East, K-pop has then ultimately led me to this major game changing moment - but that, however, is another story.

more notes
november 17  ▪︎  december  ▪︎  january  ▪︎  february ▪︎  march  ▪︎  april  ▪︎  may  ▪︎  june  ▪︎  july  ▪︎  august  ▪︎  september  ▪︎  october  ▪︎  november 18
i love me    ▪︎    me & you    ▪︎    enjoy yourself    ▪︎    summer notes    ▪︎    to be    ▪︎    full circle    ▪︎    prequel    ▪︎    winter's sequel part 1    ▪︎    winter's sequel part 2