November 2018

I know it’s not wise to make such decision at this phase but that’s just it - it takes time. It’s a never ending journey to self discovery, as each day I was getting to know myself better. We may be pressured to already find out what we want to do as soon as we graduate, but no one’s actually gonna stop us anyway. This is our life.. we are not meant to rush things. Life is about trusting on the moment.

With that, this decision had to be something that should be made before it’s too late. After weeks of consideration, I finally decided to invest on Taehyung’s leadership potential. I noticed how he is a very good choice for leadership and how practical he can be. He is very relatable.. in the sense that he’s someone I could not imagine happening last year. It’s like a mic drop moment.

I wrote on Freedom Space:

“One year after the day I thought it will never happen.. it happened.”

Today, exactly one year from the dissolution - exact date and time - I broke the news. The very important news of the return of leadership on January 2019, helmed by the very first Korean leader, Kim Taehyung - known in Bangtan as V but as leader is now going by the name Cara.

I made my own resolutions upon entering this historic moment. He will go on for as long as I shape up. I had my expectations set on him - I could just imagine him running for so long and become successful and turn our Aliza/Melody/Yuri trinity into a “big 4”. I’m more than excited for him more than anyone else.. but I also have my fears.

What if the dissolution happens again? What if I will have to face something that is just as worse? Will I be fine?

I know this early that Tae, or V.. or Cara.. is not perfect. Every leadership is meant to have undesirable situations, and his is no exception. But the answer to surviving the next era lies on how we first see ourselves. More than anything, God gave us freedom for us to fully know ourselves so that we could love ourselves better to love everyone else with the best that we can. Some things will have to happen unexpectedly, but hopefully our past will help us be ready for any storm that will come our way.

Look forward and not look back. I guess there’s no other way but forward. Forward, forward, forward. No matter how long or how hard it takes, we’ll just continue moving forward.

And at the end of our journey, we will be telling ourselves, “I’m Fine”.

more notes
november 17  ▪︎  december  ▪︎  january  ▪︎  february ▪︎  march  ▪︎  april  ▪︎  may  ▪︎  june  ▪︎  july  ▪︎  august  ▪︎  september  ▪︎  october  ▪︎  november 18
i love me    ▪︎    me & you    ▪︎    enjoy yourself    ▪︎    summer notes    ▪︎    to be    ▪︎    full circle    ▪︎    prequel    ▪︎    winter's sequel part 1    ▪︎    winter's sequel part 2