SESSION 1. Rights to Read: Principles of CRPD and Marrakesh Treaty

Moderator : Hiroshi Kawamura

Tuesday 20th August 11:00-13:15

Bio :

Hiroshi Kawamura is SC LPD/IFLA, SC RASCAO/IFLA, Board member of the DAISY Consortium and the Global Chair of the International Commission on Technology and Accessibility /Rehabilitation International. He started his professional career as a librarian serving for the University of Tokyo Library in 1970. As the Chair of the Section of Libraries for the Blind/IFLA(1990-1995), he took the initiatives to extend the reach of SLB to developing countries in Asia and the Pacific as well as in Latin America and the Caribbean.

He founded the DAISY Consortium with key members of SLB in 1996. Since then he has been developing and implementing DAISY to bridge the information gap for persons who are segrigated from published knowledge regardless of disability or language. With these experiences, his current work is focused on the development of international standards to make information for knowledge and skills accessible and easy to understand for everybody through development of standards for accessibility such as DAISY, accessible EPUB and ITU-T H.702.

* Following the conventions of the IFLA WLIC Program, all honorifics are omitted in the Program.