SESSION 1. Rights to Read: Principles of CRPD and Marrakesh Treaty

3. DAISY at the National Library of Egypt: Challenges and Opportunities

Hesham Azmi

Tuesday 20th August 11:00-13:15

Abstract & Presentation :

The Presentation will shed the light on the rationale of adopting DAISY by the National Library and Archives of Egypt NLAE. It will tackle the protocol signed between NLAE and the Japanese Agency International Cooperation Agency JICA for the implementation of DAISY and the progress that has been achieved so far. The presentation will also highlight the advantages of DAISY to NLAE specially those pertinent to the services offered to people with print disabilities. The steps taken forward and the challenges being faced will be addressed.

1.3_Challenges and Opportunities, Hesham Azmi.pdf

Bio :

Prof. Hesham Azmi

  • Chairman. National Library and Archives of Egypt. 2018 -
  • Secretary - General. Egyptian Supreme Council of Culture. 2019 -
  • Chairman. Dept. of Library and Information Science. Cairo University 2017/2018.
  • Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost. Al Jazeera University, Dubai. 2016 - 2017.
  • Dean. College of Media and Mass Communication. American University in the Emirates, Dubai. 2011 - 2016.
  • Masters of Information Studies. Loughborough University of Technology. England, UK. 1985.
  • Ph.D. in Library and Information Science. Cairo University with joint supervision of the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. USA. 1993.
  • Member of various professional associations such as the Arab Federation of Library and Information, the Egyptian Library Association, CiliP, International Federation of Television Archives and others.
  • Served as the Vice President of the Arab Federation of Library and Information AFLI for two successive terms.
  • Editor in Chief of Cybrarians, the first electronic Arabic LIS journal
  • Recipient of the Pioneers Award. Arab Federation of Library and Information AFLI, 2017.
  • Recipient of the Award of Excellence in Research in Social Sciences and Humanities and Islamic Studies., First International Research Forum. Doha. 2010.
  • Recipient of the Award of Excellence in Research. Qatar University, 2010.
  • Participation in more than 65 national, regional and international conferences.

* Following the conventions of the IFLA WLIC Program, all honorifics are omitted in the Program.