その19  黒瀬直宏・訪問記(20232月)/
Part 19 : Visit by Kurose Naohiro (February 2023)

株式会社佐藤製作所/ SATO WORKS  Co., Ltd.

"Management with thoughtfulness for people








1. Management features

Technology and market

Sato Works processes metals such as brass, copper, aluminum, stainless steel, and titanium, centered on manual silver brazing and soldering technology. In the past, they mainly processed products related to wireless communication such as antennas for large customers, which account for 80 to 90% of their sales. They have started to process parts and products in a wide range of genres that are not bound by industry. Depending on the year, one item accounts for 30 to 50% of high-mix low-volume production, and the company is involved in customer products from the prototype stage to the initial stage of mass production, but they are not involved in the full-scale mass production stage. Most of the processing is based on supplied drawings, but they also work on design proposals with high added value.

There are few companies that are regarded as rivals in the brazing industry. Among them, the company is competitive, first of all, in the technology and know-how that they have accumulated through various highly difficult silver brazing processes. Taking this advantage, they are challenging for requests that other companies tend to avoid, such as aluminum and tungsten brazing, large-scale brazing, ultra-precision brazing, and ceramic brazing, which are difficult even for experts.

The second is a wide variety of processing capabilities. In addition to brazing, they perform various metal processing such as sheet metal processing, machining, metal pipe bending, bar bending, three-dimensional bending, tip crushing, and various types of welding. In addition, since they have cooperating companies that perform surface treatment processing such as plating and painting, it is possible for them to perform integrated processing up to the finished product.

The website plays a major role as a window for receiving orders, and consultations for jobs that other companies have refused come to the website. They try new jobs without being satisfied with existing jobs. Some of them turn to be in the red, but they take it positively as an investment to acquire new know-how.








History from founding

Sato Works was founded by the father of the grandmother of MD Sato Shuya (born in 1986, 37 years old.)  His grandmother was helping her family business based on the use of a press machine called "ketobashi" (foot press), in a room of her house. Then, Mr. Sato's grandfather, son-in-law of the founder, took over and incorporated in 1958. His grandfather was good at sales, and succeeded in developing large customers that continue to this day. After that, Mr. Sato Shuya's parents and uncle also participated in the management (currently there are 6 relatives including Mr. Sato). From around 2004, along with the worsening business performance of major customers, their business performance also deteriorated, but at this time Mr. Sato's father (current president) was appointed president.

After working as a financial system engineer at an IT company, Mr. Sato joined the company as a regular employee in 2014 at the age of 28. While serving currently as the managing director, he is at the forefront of decision-making of the company as the "would-be president" since April 2021.

At the time of joining the company, the average age of employees at Sato Works was nearly 60, and Mr. Sato was by far the youngest. On the company's website, Mr. Sato's "Sandaime Nikki (Diary of the third generation)" is uploaded. According to the diary, there was no chatting during breaks in the company, and it was a company where conversation was absent. Mr. Sato never had lunch with his employees, and the end-of-year party was attended only by his relatives. The only people Mr. Sato talked to were customers and cooperating companies. When he had conversations with employees, it was grievances between employees, blaming each other, and cursing the president and senior managing director (uncle). Employees sought an outlet from Mr. Sato, who was the easiest to talk to. Why did this happen? Now, he thinks that it was due to the management system, which did not allow salary raises or bonuses due to deteriorating business performance, and they did not accept proposals from employees, resulted in worsening human relationships. 

However, at the time, he couldn't understand anything at all, and he didn't have anything to say to the president and senior managing director, so he had no choice but to just listen silently.

Before joining the company, he had an image of doing good work while working with a sense of unity as a family business with a small number of people. It was a company he knew since he was little, and he was full of expectations and nervousness that he would do his best to help the company. That's why he was so sad that he couldn't help but hear swearing every day, and he was emotionally disturbed.

If things went on like this, they would go bankrupt in a few years. However, there was no one in the company who could take the leadership in management innovation, and with the feeling that he had no choice but to do it himself, he went to rebuild the management as described below.

Having said that, he once told his mother that he would quit the company when he became ill due to a feeling of hopelessness. However, his mother told him, "If you quit, the company will be over, so no!" Without his mother's words, there was a good chance he would have really quit.








Rebuilding management

He focused first on improving profitability. Sato Works was a subcontractor that relied on a specific customer for 80-90% of its sales, a common case among SMEs in Japan. Sato Works seems to have continued this management style even in the 2000s, and they did not do any sales activities as mentioned above, so, their business performance deteriorated due to bad business performance of the main customers. It was the 10th consecutive year of losses when Mr. Sato joined the company. So, in the year he joined, he radically redesigned the website in order to develop new customers. In the past, it was just a simple introduction of the company, but with a new focus on their technology, the company's strengths were set out, and a contact point for inquiries was also set up. The current website has an appeal saying, “We can handle works rejected by other companies, works that are extremely difficult to process, and those that require high quality," and provides a detailed technical explanation of brazing. The ratio of sales to major customers has been declining year by year, and is currently at 20%, and the website reform has contributed greatly to this.

In order to increase sales to existing customers, Mr. Sato made steady visits and worked to understand customer needs. He also asked to introduce an acquaintance as a place to place an order. Through dialogue with customers, he learned that the strengths and weaknesses that he had previously recognized were different from the perceptions of customers, which was useful in establishing sales policies. Grasping the company's strengths has also led to the clarification of appeal points for internships and recruitment of new graduates as described later.

To improve margins, he reviewed the cost of each existing job and requested a price revision. Mr. Sato says that the reason why the customers accepted the price revision was not because his company was special to the customers, but perhaps because customers felt the pressure of a young man who had just joined the company, and encouraged him to "do your best!"

As a result of the above, the company's income and expenses were balanced in the second year of 2015, and it turned profitable in the third year. Sales have increased by 10% every year since 2016, and the current annual turnover is about 200 million yen. However, there was resistance from within the company to these efforts. There was resistance from veterans who said that there was no need to take on new jobs and that they should just do what they could do within the company.

Why such voices were being raised even though the company was in the red because, even if they expanded their work, they couldn’t expect the company to change without pay raises or bonuses. Employees gave up on their own companies. The cost review was also disliked by veteran employees because it had never been done before. In order to keep the manufacturing site tidy, Mr. Sato gradually cleared the work desks late at night when no one was there. This was because veterans got angry when they found big changes. Management improvement was carried out in the midst of such headwinds.

In addition to efforts to improve management, it was also important to reform the organizational structure.







2. Characteristics of labor management

New graduate recruitment, internship

After joining the company, Mr. Sato faced, as mentioned above, the aging of the employees, as he was the only young employee, and the poor interpersonal relationships that made everyday life difficult. High-handed remarks that lower people's morale, complaints and dissatisfaction among employees, swearing at people behind their backs, and swearing in the company in front of customers made him feel sick just by being there. Recruitment of new graduates promoted the rejuvenation of human resources and the reform of the organizational structure.

At Sato Works, mid-career hires and turnovers have been repeated. In SMEs, human resources do not stay in place, and it was thought that "replacement when quitting" was the norm. After joining the company, Mr. Sato also hired employee mid-career through Hello Work (an employment agency). The hired employee worked harmoniously for a while, but ended up leaving the company with an abusive voice, and Mr. Sato repeated such bitter experiences. Therefore, he limited to recruiting only new graduates. He had no intention of using a paid job site. The loss-making company couldn't bear the cost, and if competing with other companies for recruitment, there was no way that the loss-making 3D (Dirty, Dangerous and Demeaning) company could win.

Immediately after joining the company, he went to an industrial technical college and recruited applicants for internship. The point of appeal was brazing, which was becoming less common. Several people took an interest and applied, and in 2015, the first new graduate, a woman who graduated from a metropolitan college of technology, joined the company. In addition to internships, he specifically focused on schools near the company and sent out job postings designated by the schools, as students prefer companies near their homes. As a result, the number of applicants for new graduates has increased, and according to "Sandaime Diary" (26 October 2020), "There were applicants at a level that the selection cannot keep up with, dozens of times more applications than expected for the size of the company.”

As a result, 1 person (male) in 2017, 2 persons (male and female) in 2019, 1 person (female) in 2020, 2 persons (male and female) in 2021, 1 person (male) in 2022, 2 persons (planned) in 2023 (women), and new graduates continue to join the company. From 2022, also expanded to art schools. Recruitment of new graduates was successful.





Hiring women

It should be noted that 6 out of 10 new graduates hired since 2015 were women. He consciously recruited women. He expected that the atmosphere of the company will improve with women joining the company, by increasing the number of female employees, which is rare in metal processing companies, the image of Sato Works will be established, women will demonstrate their abilities more in administrative and public relations jobs, as there are female students in industrial technical colleges, there must be women who are interested in brazing, which is the company's selling point.

His expectations were correct. A woman joined the company and was immediately active. He mentions the following specific points in the "Efforts of Sato Works" on his website.

He also mentions that the company has become brighter, communication has increased, and that a culture of helping each other has been created because everyone supports each other. You can see the success of female employees. The company received the 2021 Tokyo Women's Empowerment Promotion Award.






Strong resistance, but veteran employees changed

However, there was strong resistance within the company to hiring new graduates. The veterans thought that  "Nobody is interested in a job like brazing, so there's no reason to come here. There is no way an inexperienced first-year employee can do it, so he/she will quit. It's just kidding around making women work." "They won't come" "They can't do" "They will quit." So recruiting new graduates is meaningless.

However, the reality was different. The new employees worked hard diligently, and produced good results. Mr. Sato said that he was really lucky. Seeing this, the veteran began to change. Even though they were not asked to do so, they began to set up places to give technical guidance. The smile returned to the veterans. Mr. Sato was also happy. He thought people could change so much. 

Mr. Sato says that words never change people. It broke his heart many times. People don't move unless they see tangible results. A person who said "I won't come" came. A person who had a job that was said to be "impossible" was able to do it. A person who was supposed to "quit" did not quit. The veterans changed after seeing the reality, probably because they regained the pride of their labor that had been lost. Young workers concentrate on the same work as veteran workers and enjoy learning new techniques. This fact must have made the veterans reaffirm the value of their own labor and boosted their self-confidence as human beings.

The atmosphere inside the company has changed. The veterans who never talked to anyone are now talking to everyone so much that people wonder they are the same people they used to be. Young employees went out for a light meal together, veteran employees and young employees mixed together for a women's lunch. Such a thing would have been impossible at the former Sato Works even if heaven and earth were turned upside down.





Formation of a virtuous cycle

The internship, which is a pillar of new graduate recruitment, is a five-day program, and the interns also participate in the general meeting held on the morning of the first day, Monday, with all employees participating. In the afternoon, Mr. Sato gives an overview of the company. Over the next three days, the interns experience metal processing such as brazing, which is the company's main business. On the last day, they experience management work and product inspection, and end with a social gathering.

In the beginning, Mr. Sato planned all the programs, but now he just goes to schools and recruit interns. Young employees who have undergone internships plan educational content, such as what kind of experience they will have at work. A virtuous cycle has been created in which those who have experienced internships plan and implement internships.

At first, the purpose of internships was "recruitment", but now he thinks it important whether the person in charge is enjoying the program themselves, whether the person in charge has grown, whether the atmosphere of the company has become brighter, and whether communication has increased.






Thoughtfulness for people

There was strong resistance within the company to hiring new graduates and women and starting internships. In spite of this, Mr. Sato was able to carry out the plan because it was based on his view of life, rather than mere management policy for corporate development.

Mr. Sato says, “My joy is born every time I create a good relationship.” (“Sandaime Diary” 25 June 2021), “The happiest time in my life is when I am with the person I love.

I put that in the center of my life and do not move even the slightest bit. Work is part of my life, so I want to share time with the person I love. I strongly believe that" (28 September 2022), I'm sure other people think so too, "Even if you become a large, well-known and profitable company with high salaries, if you are all alone, you will not be happy." (Same as above)

Why did he have such a view of life? This is because when he joined the company, he experienced a painful relationship that made him feel sick just by being there. This experience was the starting point for him to think about how organizations and human resources should be. He wants the company's human resources to take on new challenges that other companies cannot, and to acquire multiple processing techniques. But more than just those skills, he hopes to create a good atmosphere in the organization and make the company more organized as a team. He may want to form a company with people who seek good relationships with each other.

For Mr. Sato, recruiting is about making friends to lead a good life. He says, “I find and hire all new graduates by myself. I also handle training, assignments, and job assignments after joining the company. I can’t leave this job to others. Because I'm the one who knows the best about that person, and choosing friends is a very important thing that is directly connected to the richness of life.” (“Sandaime Diary” 20 February 2021)









Respect for autonomy

The number of newly hired new graduates leaving the company is zero, except for one person who resigned after giving birth. There is a policy of having young employees do various jobs, so there is no bias in the work of a specific employee. As a result, they do not have to work overtime, and most of the employees leave the office at 18:00, 30 minutes after the closing time. If they apply for paid leave, they can get it smoothly. Their superiors only tell them to "call out to the people around them on the day before they take a leave." The location of the company, which is just a few minutes' walk from Gakugeidaigaku Station on the Toyoko Line, is also a favorable condition for workers.

In addition, the unimaginable improvement in human relations must also keep them away from leaving their jobs.

Together with the above, management that respects human autonomy is also important. Every Monday morning, Sato Works holds a general meeting in which all employees participate. The purpose is to "share all the problems that occur in the company with everyone, investigate the cause and think about preventing recurrence", and it has been five years since it started. By sharing information, people can think and act for themselves. One time, at a general meeting, a young female employee raised her hand and proposed measures to prevent a recurrence of a problem that she was not directly involved with. The content of the proposal was excellent, and the person in charge also agreed, and everyone agreed and decided as a recurrence prevention measure. The female employees did not solve the problem by being instructed to do so, but thought about how to deal with the problem on their own initiative. Also, we can see the self-directed behavior of young people who set their own goals by planning and implementation of educational content for internships, proposals for new employee training content, production and publication of the monthly public relations magazine "Brazing News", and voluntary efforts to acquire skills from the 75-year-old best veteran as a "professional model."

Mr. Sato basically makes it a rule to give “GO” to proposals from young people. Let them do it even if he knows they will fail. Once he let them do it, he never intervenes in the middle. If they fail, he improves together. He keeps telling their bosses to respect the suggestions of younger people. The worst thing is that young people stop speaking. Young people won't even propose if their superiors reject them before they do.

People have an innate desire for autonomy to be their own master, and fulfillment of that desire is a reward. Also, if their achievements are appreciated by those around them, they will be rewarded with a sense of competence. People seek not only economic rewards but also emotional rewards, and a rewarding workplace that provides such rewards attracts people.

It is also an innate desire for people to seek relationships with other people. Good relationships require that each person be autonomous and act according to their true selves. If there is a controlling relationship between people, there can be no good relationships. Management that respects autonomy must have contributed to the improvement of human relations at Sato Works.






銀ロウ付けとは/What is silver brazing?



銀ロウ付け体験教室/Silver brazing experience class



銀ロウ付け工場? 佐藤製作所とは?/Silver brazing factory? What is SATO Works?

2022年3月8日/8 March 2022



テレビ朝日「東京サイト」で放送/TV Asahi

男性職人の世界で女性起用 抵抗も…意識改革で黒字に! 東京・目黒区金属加工企業

Women in the world of male craftsmen, resistance to hiring women... Profitability through mindset reform!

2022年3月15日/ 15 March  2022


Summary and challenges

Corporate managers are inhabitants of the market, and in order to survive in competition, they have no choice but to act as the "personification of capital" that pursues monetary value. On the other hand, they are also residents of a society based on desires that everyone has, such as wanting to be autonomous and wanting to have good relationships. This latter aspect is strongly reflected in Mr. Sato's actions, and it can be said that his management is based on a very human feeling of "wanting to make good friends," and is strongly thoughtful about people.

Mr. Sato says that recently, Sato Works seems to be a smooth sailing company where everything is going well, but he thinks, the management and organization are inexperienced and there are many problems. The fact that the company has yet to see a codified management philosophy or systematized management plan seems to be one of its immaturity factors. Since it is a company with less than 20 employees, it is thought that Mr. Sato's words and deeds convey the company's management philosophy. It seems that the management plan is also replaced by the accumulation of weekly general meetings. However, if the number of employees grows larger than it is now, it will be necessary to "visualize" the company's philosophy and plans. It also seems that the institutionalization of various business management has just begun. It will be necessary for them to promote the institutionalization of management through the independent activities of employees, and to build something that employees can say that this system belongs to them.

2022年最終出勤日/Last working day in 2022

2023年4月28日新入社員歓迎会 / Welcome dinner for new employees in fy2023 on 28 April 2023