④ 2020年5月8日/8 May 2020

[ICOSA 新型コロナ大不況対策 (3) /Measures against COVID-19]

ハーヴィッド コロナをぶっ飛ばす

/HEAVID Defeats COVID-19

ハーヴィッドは「看板屋」として、2007年新潟市に誕生。 建築内装事業と看板事業を主体に、商業施設や店舗などの「店づくり」全般に携わる、小さいながらも意欲的な会社。今年4月に新卒者2名とパートから正社員になった1名を加え、社員総勢10名で積極的に新規事業にも取り組もうとしていた矢先にコロナの攻撃を受けた。経営者になって14年の小田社長はこの危機にどう取り組むのか⁉


HEAVID was born in Niigata City in 2007 as a "signboard store". A small but ambitious company mainly engaged in building interior and signboard business, involved in overall "store designing" such as commercial facilities and shops. In April of this year, two new graduates and one member who became a full-time employee from the part were added, and 10 employees were immediately attacked by COVID-19 while trying to actively work on new business. How does President Oda, the owner of the company for 14 years, deal with this crisis ?

(株)ハーヴィッド / HEAVID Inc. http://heavid.jp/


/Online morning assembly

休校中の子供のための「変身トントンファイト」/“Transform Tonton Fighter” for children staying at home

コロナ倒すプロジェクト プレセント/ Presents for Defeat COVID-19 Project