2023年度の活動/Activities in 2023 (April 2023-March 2024)

2024322(金)、ICOSAはブラジルから元AOTSサンパウロ同窓会会長パウロ・ヒライ氏が来日された機会に、隅田川を下る屋形船で歓迎小宴を設けた。/On Friday 22 March 2024, ICOSA welcomed Mr. Paulo Hirai, former president of Instituto AOTS Alumni Sao Paulo on his visit to Japan.



Seminar materials can be downloaded by clicking on the following links.

If you wish to view the recording of the seminar, please contact the ICOSA secretariat.

〇1Nepal Travelogue 2023 by WADA Masatake 和田正武ネパール紀行【抜粋】20240223



2Nepal Travelogue 2023 by WADA Masatake 和田正武ネパール紀行【統合版】20240312


〇3Report on Visit to Nepal by WADA Masatake 和田正武ネパール訪問調査報告・ネパール紀行まとめ20240223



〇4Trends in the Nepali Economy and Characteristics of SME Policies by KUROSE N.・黒瀬直宏 ネパール経済の推移と中小企業・中小企業政策の特徴 20240220


5 After completing the Study Tour to Nepal 2023.11 by YAMAMOTO K.・山本邦義 ネパール旅行を終えて 20240224


6 About the visit to Nepal 2023.11 by NOMIZU T.・野水俊夫 ネパール訪問について 20240224


7 Power Point used for the Seminar on 20220224.・セミナーで使用したパワーポイント 20240224




Seminar materials can be downloaded by clicking on the slide above.

If you wish to view the recording of the seminar, please contact the ICOSA secretariat.

同社の概要は本サイトの「ユニーク中小企業紹介㉒」をご参照ください。/For an overview of the company, please refer to “Introduction of Unique SMEs ㉒)” on this site.

On 6 January, 2024, ICOSA was invited by the International Management Council-Taipei (IMC Taipei), Taiwan, and 8 executive members headed by Dr. Kurose attended IMC Taipei's presidential succession ceremony. At the same time, the two organizations discussed future cooperation.
(IMC Taipei kindly created a welcome slide for ICOSA in Taipei, please click on the slide above to view it.)

On 25 December 2023, ICOSA held a year-end party with ICOSA members at The Trattoria Italia Restaurant.




Seminar materials can be downloaded by clicking on the slide above.

If you wish to view the recording of the seminar, please contact the ICOSA secretariat.

English manuals for participatory workplace improvement can be downloaded from the link below.

1. ILO: Global Manual for WISE (Work Improvements in Small Enterprises)

2. ILO: Ergonomic Checkpoints

3. ILO: Stress Prevention at Work Checkpoints
Stress Prevention at Work Checkpoints. Practical improvements for stress prevention in the workplace (ilo.org)

4. ILO: Global Manual for WIND (for agriculture)
Work Improvement in Neighbourhood Development: Global manual for WIND: Practical approaches for improving safety, health and working conditions in agriculture (ilo.org)

5. ILO: WISCON - Work Improvement for Small Construction Sites (ilo.org)

6. ILO: WARM (Work Adjustment for Recycling and Managing Waste)
wcms_126981.pdf (ilo.org)

2023年12月4日から1週間、泰日工業大学修士課程(MBJ: Master of Business Japanese)の社会人学生10名が指導教官2名の引率で来日。特に日本の中小企業経営について企業経営者から学びたいという希望で、初日はアジア文化会館で黒瀬理事長から「日本の産業発展における中小企業の役割と中小企業における働きがい」について講演したあと、ICOSA会員有志とイタリア料理店で懇談した。

翌日は、ICOSA鈴木理事(㈱松本精機社長)の紹介で板橋区に1960年創業のリサイクル業、森本鐵鋼産業㈱を見学、4代目の森本勝好社長から板橋区の産業と企業経営について話を伺い、社員の皆さんから心温まる歓迎を受けた。/For one week starting 4 December 2023, 10 working students in the Master of Business Japanese (MBJ) program at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology(TNI) come to Japan led by two supervisors. As they wanted to learn about management of SMEsin Japan from business owners, ICOSA President Dr. Kurose gave a lecture at a class in ABK on "The role of SMEs in Japan's industrial development and job satisfaction in SMEs," and then exchanged with several ICOSA members at an Italian restaurant.

The next day, with the help of ICOSA Director Mr. Suzuki (President of Matsumoto Seiki) , they toured Morimoto Steel Industry Co., Ltd., a recycling company founded in 1960 in Itabashi Ward, heard from Mr. Morimoto Katsuyoshi, the fourth generation president, about industry and corporate management in Itabashi Ward, and were guided around the factory by the Presideint receiving a heartwarming welcome by the employees.

ICOSAは2023年11月25日(土)~12月1日(金)にネパールへ研修旅行団を派遣し、11月30日(木)にカトマンヅのマラ・ホテルでネパールAOTS同窓会(NAAS)と”国の発展に果たす中小企業の役割”についてセミナーを開催するとともに、両者の協力に関する覚書を取り交わした。/ICOSA sent a study tour team to Nepal from 25 November to 1 December 2023, and jointly held with the Nepal AOTS Alumni Society (NAAS) a seminar on "The Role of SMEs in National Development" at the Malla Hotel in Kathmandu on 30 November, and also a MOU was exchanged regarding cooperation between the two parties.

”国の発展に果たす中小企業の役割”/ "The Role of SMEs in National Development"

2023年11月8日(水)、ICOSAは本年6月に協力協定を締結した台湾の台北市國際工商経営研究社(台北IMC)元社長でICOSA会員でもある謝春祥様ご一家が来日された機会に歓迎小宴を設けた。/On Wednesday 8 November 2023, ICOSA welcomed the family of Mr. Hsieh Chun-hsaing, former president of IMC Taipei and also ICOSA member on their visit to Japan.

2023年10月2日(月)、ICOSAはAOTS研修のため来日したAOTSムンバイ同窓会(AAAWI)のプラビン・プラウ会長一行を歓迎し、互いの活動について情報交換を行った。/On Monday 2 October 2023, ICOSA welcomed AOTS Alumni Association of Western India (AAAWI) President Pravin Pulav and his party who came to Japan for AOTS training, and exchanged information about each other's activities.

2023年9月22日(金)、ICOSA中小企業協力研究会がインド・ジャパン・ビジネス・カウンシル (IJBC)と、中小企業での「働きがい」に関する調査研究について、オンラインで打ち合わせを行った。/On Friday 22 September 2023, the ICOSA Study Group on Cooperation among SMEs in Asia held an online meeting with the India-Japan Business Council (IJBC) regarding the research study on "Job satisfaction" in SMEs.


From 12 to 15 June 2023, a group of SME owners from Niigata visited Taiwan, accompanied by ICOSA SG and Directors,and were warmly welcomed by the IMC Taipei. On this occasion, ICOSA signed a cooperation agreement with IMC Taipei, visited IMC member companies and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) arranged by IMC Taipei, and held an exchange meeting with IMC members.


ICOSA President Dr. Kurose signed a cooperation agreement with the India-Japan Business Council (IJBC) on 19 May 2023 at the ABK, and ICOSA members hosted a welcome dinner for IJBC President Siddharth Deshmukh and IJBC Advisor Kawane Tomo, a researcher at Keio University.

”AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION FOR SMEs IN ASIA”with India Japan Business Council (IJBC) and ICOSA  (2023年5月19日/19 May 2023)


ICOSA Study Group on Cooperation among SMEs in Asia


In FY2022, ICOSA launched the "Study Group on Cooperation among SMEs in Asia", and from January 2023, it is holding regular meetings with SME owners in Asia to exchange ideas on "Job Satisfaction" of Asian SMEs.