その11 黒瀬直宏・訪問記(2019年7月)
Part 11 : Visit by Kurose Naohiro (July 2019)

吉田工業株式会社 / YOSHIDA


A company where employees work at ease








YOSHIDA (25 employees, established in 1981) is a company in Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture, however, we visited Niigata Seiryo University in Niigata City to listen to a lecture by President Yoshida Tomo.

“In my company, employees are working at ease. Some of us leave the company at 2 o'clock when we finish our work on a flextime system. In 40 years, only two left the company before retirement age." We were sitting at the back of the classroom, and felt the students stretched their backs to listen to his speech.

YOSHIDA designs and constructs dust collecting, local air exhausting and ventilating system. A same employee handles everything from the initial contact with the customer till system design, equipment manufacturing / outsourcing, and installation at the customer company.

The employee in charge can proceed with the whole processes according to his own ideas. In many cases, their working methods are different from that of President Yoshida. “We are a group of business owners,” says Yoshida. They have a flextime system with a total of 173 hours per month without core work time. So, if the work on site is completed at 2 o'clock, the employee can end the work of the day without returning to the company. Overtime pay has decreased because employees have devised their own way of working under the flextime system, and although the number of employees has increased by three, the total amount of salary paid has decreased to 92% compared to a year ago.

The production principle in modern industry, especially in large enterprises, is that the planner and the implementer are different ("separation from the execution of the concept"), the execution process is subdivided, and the "partial workers" work for a fixed time with the specified behavior. This deprives people of the joy of labor and makes the labor hostile to workers. (So-called "alienation of labor"). Spiders and bees make stunning textiles or buildings with instinctual labor, but it does not mean that they realized their ideas. However, people envision before making anything and realize it by diversely spending their workforce. People are convinced of their abilities and feel joy when they find what they have drawn in their minds appear in practice. It can be said that YOSHIDA's production method overcame "alienation of labor" and restored the joy inherent in human labor. The starting salary of YOSHIDA is not very high, but it seems that this is the reason why there are few mid-career retirees and there is no difficulty in recruiting new employees even in the era of labor shortage.

President Yoshida says there is no management philosophy for YOSHIDA to be chanted loudly. The President himself has a philosophy, but he thinks it better if employees could see and feel the behavior of the President. Yoshida's "work at ease" style has continued since the time of former President. It was the motto of the predecessor to never scold employees for making mistakes or running deficits. The current President values the independence of employees, but he also actively engages with employees and sometimes fights with them. From such exchanges with the employees, it seems that a norm was naturally created within the company, although it was not visible.

Yoshida Tomo became President in August 2014, and the sales of the fiscal year ended July 2014 at 250 million yen increased to 650 million yen for the fiscal year ended July 2019. The direct cause of the surge in sales is the transformation of business models. Since they could not keep up with increasing demands at the time of the predecessor, when the new President succeeded the company, he decided to put the center of business in designing, and entrusted the production of equipment to cooperating companies. The effect of the decision was not limited to increased supply capacity. Since there was no other company specialized in design work, the reputation of the company grew as an expert in designing because, "If you ask YOSHIDA, he can do something". As a result, a major dust collector manufacturer has also become a cooperating company that receives orders from the company, depending on the company's design capabilities. According to President Yoshida, "Salesmen of major companies cannot beat our employees”, so we succeeded in "making our rival to be a cooperative company". YOSHICA has no sales department, but customers come to ask for work. We do not get involved in price competition because we make design proposals that meet the unique needs of our customers on an equal footing. This is also the result of "making rivals to be cooperative companies". The excellent employees who drive these activities are nurtured by the working style of this company, which allows employees to work at ease.