その14 黒瀬直宏・訪問記(2019年11月)/ Part 14 : Visit by Kurose Naohiro (November 2019)

株式会社ブンカ巧芸社 / Bunkakougeisya Co., Ltd.


Aiming to be a company that grows with employees








Bunkakougeisya Co., Ltd. was founded in 1953 in Kagoshima City, currently with 78 employees, mainly serving for planning, production, construction and maintenance of various signboards. President Minemoto Nobuaki is the third generation, joined the company in 2004, and succeeded the president from his father at the age of 35 in 2012. The signboards at the time of his grandfather who founded the company after returning from the war, were made with handwritten letters and pictures. However, modern signboards are larger and are the same as building small buildings, requiring various processes such as foundation work, sheet metal works, painting, and electrical works. Signboard manufacturers are usually specialized in one of the processes, but the second generation, his father, built his own factory for integrated signboard production in 1992, and the current president relocated and expanded the factory, with division of labor for large machines, and had strengthened the integrated production capacity. There are 40 to 50 cooperating companies, mainly requesting local installation, but sometimes the company's factory is in charge of partial processes. One of the company's greatest strengths is that if a customer places an order with Bunkakougeisya, they can do all the construction work and maintenance. Sales were flat at 700 million yen in 2011, 900 million yen in 2018, and 900 million yen in 2016-18, but sales have steadily increased over the long term, and it is the top company in Kagoshima prefecture.

However, there were difficult times. The turnover rate was high for some time, and 25% of employees left the company in 2008 at the time of Lehman shock. President Minemoto was the managing director then, and was shocked to hear from the employees saying, "I can't stay in a company that easily layoff workers. I can't trust the management." Therefore, when he became the president of the company, he valued "a company that grows with employees."

First of all, he made a booklet of management guidelines and asked all employees to bring it. The booklet was written with all of the company's future vision, business policy, sales targets, capital investment plans, achievement targets of each employee, etc. All employees can share the same management information as the president, and can take the same direction with confidence.

In the second, he tried to share the needs of the employees. He made a system to listen to employees' voices through annual employee satisfaction surveys, monthly roundtable discussions with the president, and personal interviews three times a year so that employees can work for a long time. By the employee satisfaction survey, he understands what employees think about their work, confidence in management, workplace communication, salary and personnel treatment.

In the third, he started "committee activities." The purpose was to (1) improve the company by employees themselves by their participation, (2) place non-managerial employees as chairpersons and nurture them in their roles, and (3) create tools for cross-departmental communication. However, the employees didn't join the plan right away. The "Environmental Improvement Committee" served as a driving force for the change. The president went to Osaka accompanying several employees to learn about 3S Activities (Seiri=Sorting, Seiton=Setting-in-Order, Seiso=Shining) at a member company of Doyukai, the National Conference of the Association of Small Business Entrepreneurs. The president went to the company 5 times.

The Activity started by throwing unnecessary things away, and any things that have been left unattended for many years disappeared, and as the space expanded, spider webs stood out and cleaning progressed. When it got clean, no one dared to pollute the place. Everyone felt happy and took pride in the factory.

The "Fureai Committee" was also effective. With the goal of "making it a morning assembly to start the day’s work comfortably," the previously president-centered assembly was changed to employee-centered. Employees started to give a one-minute speech in turn. They spoke on various stories, such as what they experienced in their daily life, and they prepared with the attitude of "let's talk about this." They could also see the human nature of the speaker. The morning assembly gradually became more active, and the chanting of the management philosophy used to be with sloppy voices became cheerful ones. There were seven committees, and all committees announced their results twice a year, and all employees voted for the first place. The committee activities have strengthened the horizontal connections between employees and improved their relationships.

The first and second measures provided vertical information sharing loops, and the third provided horizontal information sharing loops. Bunkakougeisya aims to be a "company that grows with employees" through a vertical and horizontal information sharing loop. The high turnover rate was reduced to zero in FY2018. Due to the nature of their work, they have to work on Saturdays and Sundays at the end of the fiscal year, so they have a problem that the number of holidays is not enough, and Minemoto says that he wants to become a signboard company aimed at in the industry, that will not be restructured even in the recession.