Yak Farming In Nepal

Yak Farming In Nepal

Yak Farming In Nepal

Since my childhood I was always fascinated by the yaks. They were seen as highly prized domestic animals in the rural community of Nepal. But unfortunately, in recent years the yak farming has been on a decline and it is mostly practiced by people belonging to the ethnic communities of the northern part of our country.

I had always wanted to own a yak farm but I did not know anything about them. So I decided to study more about them and I found out that yak farming is not only interesting but also very profitable.

Yak is a long-haired ox, it is very useful animal. Yak farming is one of the most important business in Nepal. The Himalayan country Nepal has been popular in the world because of yak farming. In Nepal, people living in high altitude area rear yaks for different purposes such as milk, butter, cheese, meat and wool etc.

Yaks are found in the northern parts of Nepal particularly in Mustang, Dolpa and Manang districts etc. Though it is not very common in Terai region of Nepal but now people have started rearing yak in Terai region too. This business can be done by anyone having required number of land for yak farming and some basic knowledge about yak farming.

I am an American who moved to Nepal in 2013. I lived there for about two years, and during that time I started a company based on yak farming. Yaks are a type of Bos grunniens, which is the same species as large cattle. Yaks are bred for their hair, milk, meat and pack animals.