Raising Yaks In Usa

Raising Yaks In Usa

Raising Yaks In Usa

Yaks are a very unusual animal and I had never heard of them until one day my husband came home from work and said he wanted to raise yaks. I thought he was kidding me, but he wasn't! He had seen an article on yaks and decided that's what he wanted to do.

It has been 6 years now since we started raising yaks and we have enjoyed every minute of it. They are not really cows, but they look like cows. They have very long hair instead of fur and come in many different colors. They also have long horns that curl around their head.

Yaks are herd animals and need to be with other yaks or bovine animals. We only have two right now because we don't want any more babies yet, but we will be getting more soon.

My husband is a teacher at the local high school during the week and then on the weekends he goes out to our farm to take care of his animals. The farm is about 20 miles away from our home so he gets some exercise walking around checking on them as well as mowing the fields in between all of the trees.

The yaks love eating grass so

I have been raising yaks for 10 years. I have sold the meat to local butchers, and I have sold the hides to leather workers. I split my time between yak farming in USA and yak farming in China.