Yak Farming In Canada

Yak Farming In Canada

Yak Farming In Canada

This is about yak farming in Canada.

Yaks are a cross between cows and buffalo. They are pretty big animals, but not nearly as big as elephants. They have hair that sticks out on their bodies, but it is never long and shaggy like some of the other animals you may have seen. They only live in cold places, which is why you will never see them in your own neighborhood.

You might think that there would be no reason to start farming yaks in Canada, since Canada is a land of cold and ice, like Antarctica or the North Pole, but this is not true! Yaks were first brought to Canada by the Russians back when they owned Alaska. They wanted to use the yaks for transportation up in Alaska because the yaks can walk over snow and ice much better than horses can. But then they found out that the yaks were really good for eating too! In fact, meat from yaks tastes a lot like beef, but it has fewer calories and less cholesterol than beef does.