How Much Does A Yak Cost

How Much Does A Yak Cost

How Much Does A Yak Cost

A yak is a small, ox like creature that lives in the mountains of Asia. Like their cousin the buffalo, yaks are hardy and can live in harsh conditions. They are used as beasts of burden, but they are also an important food source. Their milk is very rich, and their meat is tasty and nutritious. The hide of the yak can be made into everything from rope to clothing to housing.

Yaks are not cheap animals, but they are not so expensive that ordinary people cannot afford them. Indeed, a yak is often the most valuable possession for a family in many mountainous areas of Asia. In Tibet and Nepal, a yak costs between $1,000 and $2,000 US dollars depending on the area. In China they cost about $1,300 US dollars each; in Mongolia it will set you back about $900 US dollars per animal.

Yaks are not hard to find or purchase in their native areas of China and Mongolia. You can buy yaks online for shipment to parts of the United States and Canada where there is plenty of open land for them to roam free. A yak can be purchased from any number of online specialty livestock dealers for between $1,500 and $

How much does a yak cost? A male yak will cost you about $2,500 to $5,000. A female yak will cost you $1,500 to $3,500. If you are looking for a lower price for a female yak, consider buying one that is pregnant. Pregnant female yaks have a lower price because the seller does not have to wait for the calf to be born in order to sell it.