
Unit Overview

Click the image to access a PDF copy of Satrapi's graphic memoir. I encourage you to print a copy of this out in order to make notes as you read. This PDF contains the complete Persepolis, including Part One and Part Two. Part One finishes on page 158 of this PDF document. 

For a full video summary of Book 1, click here

Analyzing Graphic Novels

Click the button to the left below to access the Writer's Toolbox page on how to analyse graphic novels and their specific stylistic elements including visual metaphors, bleeds, graphic weight, use of colour, etc. 

Alternatively, click the button to the right to access an InThinking resource on how to analyse graphic novels. 

This TedEd by Dartmouth College Associate Professor of English Michael Chaney teaches us how to approach contemporary graphic novels. He highlights the ways in which the graphic novel is a complicated medium that  makes abstractions visible through distortion and caricature. In other words, Chaney reveals that a panel is not always what it seems. I strongly encourage you to watch this video. 

This video provides a full close reading of the first chapter and is a great example of how you might wish to annotate your copy of Persepolis. As you read, make sure you are making notes of your analysis; remember, you are not reading to simply understand the story, but to deconstruct visual and linguistic choices to find various interpretations. You can also find Part Two here

Click this image for extra contextual information.

Click this image to get to know the author better. 

Click the image to access links that could inspire your interpretations of the text. 

Questions to Consider

Click the image above to see some example answers for a few of these questions, taken from the first three chapters of the graphic memoir.