Go Further 

Critical Essays & Articles

Check out some of these critical essays and articles to deepen your understanding of the text. There are Marxist criticisms, feminist criticisms, and even racial criticisms which might help you think of new ideas as you read. 

Explode a Quote

Practice close reading and analysis with these Explode a Quote activities:

Consider This! Questions

As you read, you might want to think about the following questions to guide your thinking and analysis. Click each drop-down, for each chapter, to see some questions which might help you. 

Chapter 1: "The Boy. 1980."

Chapter 2: "The Boy's Friend. 1980."

Chapter 3: "The Editor. 1985."

Chapter 4: "The Prisoner. 1990."

Chapter 5: "The Factory Girl. 2002."

Chapter 6: "The Boy's Mother. 2010."

Epilogue: "The Writer. 2013."

These questions can be done in groups or individually. Answering these questions might help guide your thinking and your analysis as you read, and may uncover some things you might have missed otherwise.