Go Further

Understanding colonial ideologies, differences in colonial and postcolonial literature, and postcolonial theory will help to better understand this text. Click the image to go to the Writer's Toolbox page about postcolonial theory to help your interpretation. 

Whilst Heart of Darkness is considered a Modernist masterpiece, it has not been without its criticism. Despite the fact that the novel does attempt to critique imperialism, it certainly Others Africans via damaging depictions. One critic of the novel is Chinua Achebe, author of Things Fall Apart. Achebe's essay is almost as famous as the novel itself. Please click the image to read his criticism of Heart of Darkness

Analysis Practice

Click HERE to access a document with various short excerpts from Heart of Darkness containing a myriad of stylistic choices and devices. Complete the table by identifying choices and their effects. When you've finished, you can check possible answers here