A Streetcar Named Desire

The Full Text

Click the image to find a complete copy of the full text. It's not long, so I strongly suggest printing a copy and making meaningful annotations as you read. You will likely rely on these later, when it comes to assessments. 

For an example close reading, click the buttons below to access example analyses in Explode a Quote tasks. 

Study Guide

Use this study guide and its resources as you read. This only provides a very general overview of the play, its themes, characters and symbols, its context, and how you should approach the analysis of choices in a play. 

Click HERE to access the full version of this in Google Slides so you can make your own.

If you need some extra support, you can find a full playlist by CourseHero by clinking the image to the left. Additionally, below, you can watch a scene from the 1951 movie starring Marlon Brando. 

Interested in watching the play? Click the imager to the right to watch a performance starring Gillian Anderson as Blance and Ben Foster as Stanley. Below is a clip from the performance. 

Consider This! Questions

Click each scene for a set of questions which will guide your reading of the play. Remember to gather textual evidence for your interpretation and answer to each question. 

Scene One

Scene Two

Scene Three

Scene Four

Scene Five

Scene Six

Scene Seven

Scene Eight

Scene Nine

Scene Ten

Scene Eleven