A Doll's House

The Full Text

Click the image to find a complete copy of the full text. It's not long, so I strongly suggest printing a copy and making meaningful annotations as you read. You will likely rely on these later, when it comes to assessments. 

You can also find an simple digital copy on the Guttenberg Library here

Study Guide

Use this study guide (click the image) and its resources as you read. This only provides a very general overview of the play, its themes, characters and symbols, its context, and how you should approach the analysis of choices in a play. 

Before reading, it's a great idea to get understand some context, review the basic themes and characters, and have a better understanding of the plot so you can focus your analysis. You can watch the the Course Hero video to the left, or find their full playlist here

Explode a Quote

Practice your close reading analysis skills but reviewing some of the example Explode a Quote exercises made by myself and by previous students. If you'd also like to contribute to this resource, you can find a blank Explode a Quote document here

Act One

Act Two

Act Three

Consider This! Questions

Click each scene for a set of questions which will guide your reading of the play. Remember to gather textual evidence for your interpretation and answer to each question.