Go Further

What "Orwellian" really means - Noah Tavlin, TedEd

"Orwellian" has become a common term used to describe political situations. However, this term is often used inaccurately. Watch this video to better understand what it is to be Orwellian. 

1984 Movie (Trailer), Michael Radford

Note: It's never a good idea to watch a movie as a substitute for reading when we're studying literature. An important aspect of studying literature is looking at authorial choices, and the author of the movie is different to the author of the text, both of whom are working in different mediums. However, watching the movie and comparing it to the text could be a good way to explore the concept of transformation. 

1984 Cover Art

The front covers of books are interesting aspects of the texts we study. Different covers choose to emphasize different aspects of the text. Sometimes, the covers change the ways that we interpret what's written on the pages. Take a moment to look at the many different covers of 1984. Ask yourself what aspect of the text each cover emphasizes. Let me know your favorite one! 

Politics and the English Language, George Orwell

Orwell had some strong feelings about the way that people use the English language. In sum, he believed that language helps shape our society, and the English language it was in a "bad state." Consider reading this text and trying to draw parallels between his ideas in this essay and his treatment of language in 1984. This could also be a text that you study independently and add to your portfolio. 

Epistemic Injustice, Attic Philosophy

This episode of Attic Philosophy looks at the ideas of injustice in relation to knowledge, paying particular attention to the works of Kristie Dotson and Miranda Fricker. Watch this episode and reflect on 1984. In what ways does Orwell's text explore this phenomenon?