
What is Misinformation?

It's quite often said that we live in a post-truth world where popular opinion is often a more valuable currency than expert knowledge. We can see this in the political world with Trump or Brexit, for example, and we can also see this in the medical world with attitudes towards vaccines. This is a huge challenge that can cause instability in society and lead to great conflict.

Key Terms

Fake News
Fire hosing
Information climate

Use The Following Resources to Develop Your Understanding of Misinformation

Why obvious lies make great propaganda

Focus Questions

  1. What is fire hosing?

  2. What does the video mean by the phrase "no commitment to objective truth"?

Fact, Fiction and Politics in a Post-Truth Age

Focus Questions

  1. How do governments use information as a weapon?

  2. How has social media changed the ways in which facts are used in social discourse?

  3. How is the current information climate different from that of the past?

The Social Dilemma, Netflix

The Social Dilemma, is a powerful documentary that explores the different ways in which technology interferes with our mind and society. You can find the full documentary on Netflix. I recommend giving it a watch to better understand how digital devices are impacting political discourse.

Misinformation, disinformation and hoaxes: What’s the difference?

European elections: How disinformation spread in Facebook groups

A victory won by Brexit lies does not make those lies true

“A 'post-truth democracy' [...] would no longer be a democracy.”

― Jürgen Habermas