
The act of revealing someone's sexual orientation or gender identity without their consent.

"Outing is violent. It’s brutal. It’s an invasion."

- Quentin Crisp

Being outed is a violation of an individual's privacy and can have significant social, personal, and professional consequences. In many cases, being outed can result in discrimination, violence, and rejection from family, friends, and community. It can also lead to a loss of employment or housing, or even physical harm.

Outing is often used as a tool of control and punishment, particularly by those who seek to enforce heteronormativity and gender conformity. It is an act of violence against the individual and is a violation of their agency and autonomy. The act of outing is closely linked to the concept of power, and in queer theory, it is viewed as a way in which power is used to regulate and police the lives of queer individuals.