

Within colonizer - colonized power dynamics, the colonized person might look up and envy the colonizer due to a colonial ideology and hegemony. In other words, as the colonizer sets themselves up as the superior so the colonized might want to be them. As a result, the colonized person might try to imitate the colonizer, perhaps by imitating their clothing, customs, language, etc. However, in doing so, this only reinforces the colonizer's ideology that their culture is superior; additionally, it might begin to erase earlier traditions among the colonized people.

On the other hand, the colonizer might force the colonized person to imitate their culture, such as clothing, customs, or language; yet, whilst almost identical, they are never equal within these power relations. 

However, this can also destabilize the idea that the colonizer is superior as it implies that they need a subaltern version of themselves to justify their dominance, and therefore highlighting flaws in this idea.

"Mimicry is at once resemblance and menace."

- Homi Bhabha