
Welcome to my googology website! For people who are dedicated to googology, large numbers and fast-growing functions. This website is for my googological notations and all of my defined numbers by HaydenTheGoogologist2009.

Note: Not everything in this site is made by me, I'll link to other sites (or Googology Wiki depending on the page) if it isn't owned by me.

Version: (a)

Last updated on 25th April, 2023 10:04 PM (GMT+8)

Current status: None


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Who am I?

I'm HaydenTheGoogologist2009. My real name is Hayden Leung. I'm a boy who likes googology stuff and big numbers!

I also like to explore fast-growing functions and play games that have big numbers in it.

I'm both a Standard Googologist (SG-ist) and a Fictional Googologist (FG-ist).

Contents of my website

Introduction pages

Ultimate List of Numbers


Experimental Works

These are my experimental works. They're most likely ill-defined as these works are very dumb. Some of them are created just for a 'joke'.

Others things related to standard googology

Fictional Googology

**DISCLAIMER: I actually like real googology more than fictional googology since the numbers in real googology actually make sense. If you don't like things that doesn't make sense and/or unreal, please don't click into the links above!**

Googology Wiki Related

These pages are not related to googology itself, but the Googology Wiki!


Other googology sites

For beginners


Numbers and notation sites (includes fictional googology sites)

Main sites in googology wiki

Googology sites in other languages

Social media links