Linear Array Notation

Linear Array Notation (LAN) is the first part of almighty array notation. A valid expression in LAN is of the form a*(#), where # is a non-empty sequence of positive integers separated by comma, and the linear array notation uses pretty much the same rules as BEAF.


The Linear Array Notation has the following form:

a*(a, b, c, d, e, f, ..., m, n) where a, b, c, d, e, f, ..., m, n ≥ 1. They can have any number of entries.

The first entry of the array is the base, the number after it is the iterator.



3-entry arrays

4-entry arrays

5-entry arrays

6-entry arrays and beyond

In general, if the array has n 1's, the growth rate is ω^n in the FGH, and the limit of the notation level is ω^ω.