First-order Array Notation

Before I start, I want to let you guys know that starting from this part, things are getting more confusing and complicated. So if you guys still don't understand how Almighty Array Notation works, please go back to the previous parts. Otherwise, you're not going to understand anything below. Anyways, let's get started!

First-order Array Notation (FoAN) is the fifth part of almighty array notation. A valid expression in FoAN is of the form a*(a, b X c X d X e X ... X n) where a, b, c, d, e, ..., n ≥ 1, and X are the separators.


The First-order Array Notation has the following form:

a*(a, b X c X d X e X ... X n) where a, b, c, d, e, ..., n ≥ 1, and X are the separators.

The separator can come in many forms, such as {3}, {1, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3 {2} 2}.

The first entry of the array is the base, the number after it is the iterator.

The {1} separator stands for comma.

In this extension, the separators are the comma, the exclamation mark (!) [not to be confused with the factorial operation], and {x A n} where x is an expression, A is a separator, and n is an integer > 1.


Followed by some previous rules by following:

At this part, we define the new rules by following:


In the First-order Array Notation, let's introduce a new separator, the exclamation mark (!). The ! separator is a high ranking separator, meaning it is higher level than any other separators so far, and even higher ranking than separators that contain it.

Please note that the ! separator is only allowed inside separators, not arrays, so the expression like a*(a, b ! 2) is invalid and meaningless, but a*(a, b {1 ! 2} 2) is allowed.

When we encounter a separator of type {1 ! n #} in the process, we do this: change the 1 ! 2 into Sn, where S1 is 1 ! n - 1 and S(n + 1) = 1 {Sn} 2 ! 2.

So, a*(3, 3 {1 ! 3} 2) = a*(3, 3 {1 {1 {1 ! 2} 2 ! 2} 2 ! 2} 2) (keep in mind that if that had been a 3 before the end of the array, it would have been decreased by 1 and had another {1, 2} before, it, as it was sent to the last case).

The limit of the primitive expanding arrays is the FGH level ζ0 = φ(2, 0) = ψ(Ω) with respect to Madore's OCF = ψ0(Ω^2) = ψ0(ψ1(ψ1(0))) with respect to Buchholz's OCF.