Introduction to Almighty Array Notation

Almighty Array Notation (AAN) is a notation made by googology wiki user HaydenTheGoogologist2009. It has the format of a*(#) where # is an array. It comes in multiple parts. An example of a valid array is a*(10, 4, 1, 3, 5).

Unfortunately, I abandoned this notation on October 23th, 2023 with the statement "This notation is a chaos, and I don't think it's possible to fix the entire notation. I should probably take a break from making notations..."


We explain parts of notations together with my expectation of the limits:

For parts beyond MExFoAN, I was intended to create at least eleven other parts here and later abandoned by me:


The 'a' before the array in a*(#) stands for the word 'almighty'.


For LAN, a*(#) = {#} in BEAF.