Nested Array Notation

Nested Array Notation (NAN) is the forth part of almighty array notation. A valid expression in NAN is of the form a*(a, b X c X d X e X ... X n) where a, b, c, d, e, ..., n ≥ 1, and X are the separators.


The Nested Array Notation has the following form:

a*(a, b X c X d X e X ... X n) where a, b, c, d, e, ..., n ≥ 1, and X are the separators.

In NAN, The separator can come in many forms, such as {3}, {1, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3 {2} 2}.

The first entry of the array is the base, the number after it is the iterator.

The {1} separator stands for comma.


Followed by some additional rules by following:


And finally, the limit of the nested arrays is a*(a, a {1 { ... 1 {1, 2} 2 ... } 2} 2), which is an ε0-level.