Mega-Extended First-order Array Notation

Mega-Extended First-order Array Notation (MExFoAN) is the seventh part of almighty array notation. A valid expression in MExFoAN is of the form a*(a, b X c X d X e X ... X n) where a, b, c, d, e, ..., n ≥ 1, and X are the separators.


The Hyper-Extended First-order Array Notation has the following form:

a*(a, b X c X d X e X ... X n) where a, b, c, d, e, ..., n ≥ 1, and X are the separators.

The separator can come in many forms, such as {3}, {1, 4, 5}, {1, 1, 3 {2} 2}.

The first entry of the array is the base, the number after it is the iterator.

The {1} separator stands for comma.

In this extension, the separators are the comma, the exclamation mark (!) [not to be confused with the factorial operation], and {x A n} where x is an expression, A is a separator, and n is an integer > 1.


Followed by some previous rules by following:

At this part, we define the new rules by following:

Now it's time to extend the Hyper-Extended First-order Array Notation, using the same rule as the previous chapters.

For the array 1 <1 ! 2> 2, let S1 be 1 ! 2, Sn to be <1 {S(n - 1)} 2>, hence a*(a, b {%} 2) = Sb. For example, S2 is equal to <1 {1 ! 2} 2>, so a*(a, b {1 <1 ! 2> 2} 2) = a*(a, a {Sa} 2)

For example, a*(3, 4 {1 <1 ! 2> 2} 2), we can do in that manner by:

Therefore, a*(3, 4 {1 <1 ! 2> 2} 2) is equal to a*(3, 3 {1 <1 {1 <1 {1 <1 {1 ! 2} 2> 2} 2> 2} 2> 2} 2).

For higher arrays in the MExFoAN, we can do the same rules in the manner as follows:



Since the separators are getting complicated, I'll only provide the growth rate in a*(a, b {...} 2) from now on.

With this system of fundamental sequences for the OCF ψ, where I used ψ as the abbrivation of ψ0 here.

As you can see each layer of separators adds two Ω's into the ordinal power of the first uncountable ordinal, and hence the limit of the level is ψ(ε(Ω+1)) = ψ(Ω_2) (which is the Bachmann-Howard ordinal).