Weakly Team Progress

Week 1 - Idea Sharing and Selection

During the initial phase of our project, we organized a session where team members shared their ideas and collectively decided on the top three concepts to pursue further. This meeting aimed to gather a wide range of ideas from all team members within a specific timeframe. Each member actively contributed by presenting their project ideas and providing insights based on their expertise. Following the idea sharing session, we engaged in thorough discussions and evaluations to assess the feasibility and potential impact of each idea. Through collaborative decision-making, we selected the following top three ideas:

Week 2- Idea Selection

This week, as we mentioned last in our meeting, our team had an important discussion with our advisor. We were tasked with choosing one of the three preliminary project ideas we had identified. It was a thoughtful dialogue as each concept presented merits that could satisfy different interests within our diverse group. After considering factors like the fields it would involve, its potential impact, and our shared passions, we unanimously agreed on the automated irrigation system. It appeared to be a very compelling project idea that would allow participation from almost all of our combined strengths and backgrounds.

We're glad we took the time for that team discussion, as it has focused our joint energies moving forward. This week as a group was about formalizing that decision. While there is work ahead in designing and prototyping the system, we believe choosing a topic we unified behind sets us up well as collaborators throughout the duration of the project.

Week 3 - Doing preliminary Researcharch

On the third week as a team we only had a meeting on Friday with our advisor. We discussed how our next steps are going to be and other important things, otherwise individually did preliminary research - trying to get a basic overview and understanding of the project by browsing over some introductory papers and websites.

Week 4- Task allocation

This week, we as a team held a meeting on Monday to discuss task allocation for the Automated Irrigation System project. Given the project's scope and the need for expertise from different departments, we aimed to distribute tasks fairly among team members to utilize their knowledge and skills effectively. Here's a summary of the task allocation:

Software Department:

Responsible for the overall system development, including backend and frontend components.

Developing a user-friendly interface for controlling and monitoring the irrigation system.

Electrical Department:

Designing and implementing the electrical system for the project.

Developing control and automation mechanisms for regulating water flow and irrigation schedules.

Mechanical Department:

Designing and manufacturing mechanical components required for the irrigation system.

Ensuring proper functionality and compatibility with other system elements.

Electromechanical Department:

Integrating the electrical and mechanical systems.

Designing and implementing interfaces between different components.

Civil Department:

Conducting site surveys and assessments.

Designing and implementing relevant civil infrastructure.

Environmental Department:

Assessing and mitigating potential environmental impacts of the project.

Implementing sustainable practices and considering environmental regulations.

Chemical Engineering Department:

Analyzing and optimizing chemical processes involved in the project.

Ensuring proper handling and storage of chemicals.

By allocating tasks in this manner, we aim to leverage the expertise of each department and promote effective collaboration. The progress made in task allocation sets a solid foundation for the successful implementation of the Automated Irrigation System.

Week 5- Preparation Of Proposal

This week our team focused on contracting proposal drafts and then the  final one. the preparation and implementation of an automated irrigation system for IETP . The purpose of this system is to optimize water usage, reduce labour costs, and improve overall efficiency in maintaining the irrigation needs of the designated area. This proposal provides a comprehensive overview of the system's benefits, components, implementation plan, and estimated costs.

This proposal is contains: Objectives( Efficient water usage, Labour cost reduction, and Enhanced plant health), Components of the Automated Irrigation System(Sensor,Actuators, Communication Network, Control system), Implementation Plan( Controller Set-up, Sensor Installation, Training and Maintenance), Estimated Costs(Equipment and Components, Installation, Training), and conclusion

Week 6 - Technical Work

On week  6 every team member was task to do technical work in our own discipline. Some of the key focus was on voltage drop,water demand, pipe size, and pressure requirement . the safety precautions necessary for automated irrigation systems, as well as the voltage drop for different irrigation systems. In our project, it is imperative to prioritize safety measures in order to ensure the system operates optimal.

Pipe sizing calculations consider factors such as desired flow rates, allowable pressure losses, and material properties. The Hazen-Williams equation, Manning's equation, or Colebrook-White equation may be used to calculate pipe sizes depending on the specific requirements of the system.

Various methods and equations are used to estimate crop water requirements, such as the Penman-Monteith equation, which considers weather data like temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation to calculate potential evapotranspiration (PET).

Additional factors to consider: Safety factor: It's recommended to add a safety factor of 10-20% to account for unexpected variations in pressure.

Pump performance: The pump selected for the irrigation system should be able to deliver the required flow rate at the calculated pressure.

Pressure regulation: Depending on the system design, pressure regulators may be needed to maintain consistent pressure at different points in the irrigation system.

 Week 7 - some work progresses

This week the group members made different progress on their tasks. Some were making progress on their assignments, while others had completed their work for the week. As a group overall, some of the things we accomplished include deciding on the features of the prototype. We decided what our project prototype would look like - for example, its size, where we would place materials, and how we would assemble them. We also made a little sketch of what the prototype we are going to make looks like, so the general idea is on the sketch. We tried some poster designs and currently have 2 options. Furthermore, we set clear work divisions so that each team will continue working on its assigned tasks.

We also made a very simple simulation just to see and try the simple connection between a sensor, Arduino, and the LCD display. The simulation will be updated in the future but for this week we did that too. The other progress updates from this week are listed under each member's individual portfolio, as each of us worked on different tasks and some are still in progress.

Week 8 - Our weekly Progress

This week, our group made progress on key aspects of our smart irrigation system project and through individual research activities:

Key Deliverables

Research on Efficiency Metrics

Research Areas

Knowledge Sharing

Self-Directed Learning


Week 9 - Synergistic Advancements

During this week, our team made significant progress on multiple fronts, contributing to the overall development of the project. Here are the key achievements:

By combining our diverse skills and expertise, we successfully advanced multiple aspects of the project, ensuring both technical and practical aspects were addressed effectively.

Week 10 - Iterative Advancements

During this week, our team made significant progress in various aspects of the project, bringing us closer to the development of the automated irrigation system. Here are the key achievements:

                     Control Prototype Build:

                                   Challenges Overcome:

            Manufacturing of Prototype Base:

                    Prototype Integration and Video Production:

                      Understanding the Relay Module:

Despite challenges encountered, the team demonstrated resilience and adaptability, actively addressing issues and making progress in various areas of the project. Moving forward, we remain committed to overcoming obstacles, refining our prototypes, and ensuring the successful implementation of the automated irrigation system.

Week 11 - Milestone

In the course of this week, our team members have made remarkable strides in bringing the Smart Irrigation System project to fruition. We have poured our collective efforts into finalizing both the mechanical and software components, ensuring a comprehensive and functional solution that optimizes water usage in agriculture. Allow us to showcase the highlights of our individual contributions:

Mechanical and Software Refinement:

Our team members have dedicated their unwavering commitment to refining both the mechanical and software elements of the Smart Irrigation System. With tenacity and precision, we addressed challenges in the software component through rigorous testing and debugging processes, guaranteeing a robust and reliable system. The seamless integration of the NodeMCU code with the soil moisture and temperature sensors has paved the way for real-time data collection and cloud uploading. Additionally, our meticulously developed mobile app underwent extensive testing, emerging as a powerful tool that empowers users to remotely control and monitor the irrigation system, while showcasing its flawless functionality.

Project Poster Design:

One of our talented team members took up the mantle of designing the project poster, with the aim of vividly illustrating the key features and functionality of our automated irrigation system in an engaging and visually captivating layout. The poster design was enthusiastically shared with the team on our group Telegram channel, garnering positive feedback. Our dedicated team member remains open to receiving constructive feedback and suggestions to further enhance the effectiveness of visual communication.

Fabrication and Testing:

A key member of our team executed the fabrication process with exceptional skill and precision, resulting in the successful completion of a small-scale automated irrigation system prototype. This impressive prototype boasts drip irrigation lines, emitters, a weatherproof enclosure, and a meticulously designed water pump controller. Through diligent efforts, we overcame various challenges related to power output, water distribution manifold, and several other aspects, continuously refining our design through iterative modifications. Our prototype has undergone numerous rigorous test cycles, consistently demonstrating its ability to automate watering based on preset schedules and sensor readings.

Site Material Selection and Problem-solving:

Our resourceful team member took charge of selecting the most suitable material for the project site, meticulously considering its compatibility with other system components. Despite encountering several difficulties during the prototype work, our team collectively triumphed over them, gaining invaluable insights and skills along the way. Through perseverance and problem-solving, we ensured that our system is optimized for seamless integration and maximum efficiency.

Together, as a cohesive team, we have made substantial progress towards the completion of the Smart Irrigation System project. The flawless integration of both mechanical and software components positions our system as a cutting-edge solution in sustainable agriculture. Our unwavering commitment to user education and engagement underscores our dedication to creating a positive impact on global agricultural practices by promoting water conservation and enhancing crop yield.

With each passing week, our collective efforts drive us closer to achieving our ultimate goal: revolutionizing irrigation systems and paving the way for a sustainable future. We are pleased to announce that we have almost finished the prototype, and it is fully functional, showcasing our commitment to delivering a successful solution.