Ermiyas Demsu

Week One

Hi I'm Ermiyas, The first day on November 1, 2023, we all met and introduced ourselves. We were greeted by our advisor who gave us a detailed explanation of the project. After the briefing, we were tasked with coming up with project ideas for our team project. 

Week Two

On November 7,2023 our group (group 29) gathered

to share our ideas. My idea is : Smart Traffic Light Control System

Here's a brief overview of the key components and considerations involved in creating a Smart Traffic Light Control System:

Traffic Monitoring and Detection: Implementing various sensors, such as cameras, radar, or inductive loop detectors, to monitor the presence and movement of vehicles and pedestrians at the intersection. These sensors provide real-time data, which is crucial for making intelligent control decisions.

Implementing a Smart Traffic Light Control System involves a multidisciplinary approach, integrating elements from traffic engineering, data analytics, communication systems, and automation. Moreover, it requires collaboration with city planners, transportation authorities, and other stakeholders to align with broader urban development goals.

By creating a Smart Traffic Light Control System, cities can enhance traffic efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and ultimately improve the overall quality of urban transportation.

Week Three

I spoke with my team this week about our respective engineering responsibilities for our automated irrigation system project. In order to meet our irrigation needs, my primary responsibility as a civil engineer will be to design the water supply, storage, and distribution network. The process entails calculating our water needs based on the area we wish to irrigate. After that, I'll create a system to hold the water and efficiently transport it to the regions that require irrigation.

I have been educating myself on various water distribution techniques and storage system types in order to do this. I've been researching different approaches, including reservoirs and storage tanks, to see which is best for our project. In addition, I've been looking into effective distribution.

Week Four

This week, I've dedicated my efforts to gaining thorough comprehension of my responsibilities as a civil engineer when developing an automated irrigation system. The responsibilities of a civil engineer concerning automated irrigation systems can be categorized into three main segments: 1,Water Storage System

2, Water Distribution System and

3, Cost Management.

1,A water storage system is a crucial infrastructure component designed to capture, store, and manage water for various purposes, including domestic, industrial, agricultural, and emergency use. 

Collection and Storage: Water storage systems typically include tanks, reservoirs, cisterns, or other structures designed to capture and retain water. These storage units come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from small household tanks to large-scale reservoirs.

Material and Design: Water storage systems are constructed using a variety of materials such as concrete, steel, fiberglass, or polyethylene, each chosen based on factors like durability, cost, and water quality considerations. The design of the storage infrastructure takes into account factors such as load-bearing capacity, seismic resilience, and protection against contamination.

2, Water Distribution System There are several water distribution methods in smart irrigation:

1\. Drip irrigation: This method involves delivering water directly to the roots of plants through a network of tubes and emitters\. It is the most efficient method of water distribution, as it reduces water wastage and ensures that plants receive the right amount of water\.

2\. Micro\-sprays: These are small nozzles that spray water in a fine mist\. They are commonly used in agriculture and landscaping\. Micro\-sprays are efficient in delivering water to large areas, but they can be wasteful if used in areas where the water pressure is low\.

3\. Sprinklers: These are mechanical devices that rotate and spray water in a circular pattern\. They are commonly used in residential and commercial landscaping\. However, they can be wasteful, as they distribute water over a large area, including hard surfaces\.

4\. Basin irrigation: This method involves creating shallow basins or furrows in the soil to collect and distribute water\. It is commonly used in agriculture, as it is effective in delivering water to large areas, but it can be wasteful, as it allows water to run off into nearby streams and rivers\.

5\. Center pivot irrigation: This method involves rotating sprinklers around a central pivot point to distribute water over a large area\. It is commonly used in agriculture, as it allows for efficient water distribution and precise control over the amount of water delivered to plants\.

6\. Flood irrigation: This method involves flooding fields with water and allowing it to percolate into the soil\. It is a traditional method of irrigation, but it is wasteful, as it allows for significant water loss due to evaporation and seepage\.

3, Cost Management It depend on the design of hydraulic structure and the materials.


week Five

This Week, Our team has been meeting to select an irrigation system for our upcoming project. We have been discussing various options and have narrowed down our choices to a few suitable systems.

After careful consideration, we decided to go ahead with the drip irrigation system. We believe  this system will not only provide us with efficient water usage but also save us time and money in the long run.

The drip irrigation system works by delivering water directly to the roots of the plants, which ensures that the water is used efficiently and that the plants receive the right amount of nutrients. This method also reduces the amount of water wasted through evaporation, making it a perfect choice for arid regions.

and we finalized the proposal's content and agreed on the final version on Wednesday.  then we presented the proposal to our advisor for review, then The advisor provided suggestions for improvements to the proposal.

                                          Image source 


week six

this week, I read some literatures  about smart irrigation and upgrade my knowledge 

In addition to the hardware intricacies, the smart irrigation system heavily relies on sophisticated software for its functionality. The Arduino cloud platform serves as a pivotal component, enabling seamless integration of data processing, management, and control. The cloud-based interface provides a user-friendly platform for setting up the irrigation system, configuring sensor inputs, and defining specific watering parameters. These parameters often include soil moisture thresholds, weather-based adjustments, and crop-specific watering schedules. Furthermore, the system's software layer incorporates predictive and adaptive algorithms to ensure that the irrigation process is responsive to changing environmental conditions and crop needs. This sophisticated level of software integration, in conjunction with the hardware components, equips the smart irrigation system with the agility and intelligence required to mitigate water wastage, enhance crop productivity, and foster sustainable, resource-efficient agricultural practices.

Week seven 

This week,  I actively participated by contributing a sketch and making decisions about the size of the prototype. and also we discussed about its physical dimensions, ensuring that the final product aligned with our vision and requirements.

In addition to our (I and Eman) involvement in the prototype development, we conducted thorough research to identify the most suitable type of dam for our project. we carefully examined various dam types, considering factors such as cost-effectiveness, compatibility with our project requirements, and environmental considerations. Through comprehensive research and analysis, we aimed to identify the optimal dam type that aligns with our goals and objectives.

                                  Earthen Dam

Components of Earthen Dam

A typical earthen dam consists of the following components:


The foundation supports the Dam and withstands horizontal and vertical loads. It is generally constructed of soil.


Materials Used in Earthen Dam

The following materials are commonly used in earthen dams:

Advantages of Earthen Dam


Week Eight

This week, I was reading as much as I can to have a better knowledge about The construction process of earthen dam. It requires a great deal of planning and expertise, as even slight mistakes can lead to terrible consequences. To design and build an earth dam safely and efficiently, several steps must be followed, including:

                                             Steps in constructing an earth dam

The following general considerations should be taken into account when looking for a suitable sites 

One of the biggest challenges in constructing an earth dam is maintaining the stability of the embankment during and after construction. This requires careful attention to factors such as:

To address these challenges, we have to use techniques such as grouting and slope               protection.

   Seepage control

 Erosion Control

Proper Vegetation Cover: Maintaining a healthy vegetation cover around the dam is one of the most effective ways to control erosion. Planting native grasses, shrubs, and trees stabilizes the soil, prevents runoff, and reduces the risk of sediment entering the dam. Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, making them more resilient against erosion.

Silt Fencing: Silt fences are temporary barriers made of permeable fabric that help contain sediment and prevent it from reaching the dam. Place silt fences strategically along slopes that drain towards the dam to capture runoff and sediment.

 Overtopping control

use spillways, which are designed to release excess water from the reservoir before it reaches dangerous levels.

use tainter gates, which are similar to spillways but are designed to close more quickly in emergency situations. 

use stilling basins, which are designed to reduce the speed of the water and prevent erosion during periods of high flow.

Factors that influence the design of an earth embankment dam

1. Materials available for construction Depending upon the type of material available, the designed embankment may either be a homogeneous earth dam or a zoned earth dam.

2. Foundation characteristics A softer foundation would necessitate an embankment with flatter slopes, a broader cross-section, a larger freeboard (to mitigate the problem of embankment settlement), consideration of differential settlement cracks, and measures of seepage control to avoid the danger of piping.

3. Probable wave action The severity of the wave action dictates the selection of the materials for upstream slope protection. A layer of dumped rock riprap is considered the most effective and economic wave protection.

4. Earthquake activity In seismic areas, more conservative design features need to be adopted. Such as better filters, large capacity Downstream drains, thicker clay cores and flatter side slopes.

                                                    Reasons for failure of earth dams

1. Spillway of inadequate dimensions to provide against abnormal flow of water during flood conditions.

2. Insufficient height of earth embankment to prevent ' 'overtopping" during flood conditions.

3. Construction of dam upon undesirable kinds of foundation soil, allowing undue seepage of water through the subsoil under the embankment when 

     the proposed pond or lake has been created.

4. Use of undesirable qualities of soil for the "pervious" and the "impervious" parts of the earth embankment.

5. Lack of thorough rolling to create a proper bond between the layers of soil in the embankment.

6. Permitting root growth to encroach unnecessarily upon the earth embankment, especially where any considerable depth and volume of water is

     being confined by this embankment.

7. Sliding of the earth embankment upon the subsoil foundations due to incorrect methods of construction.

8. "Slumping" of the saturated portions of the dam due to too great steepness or wrong material.


                                             Week Nine

This week, I worked closely with Eman to effectively compile the progress report for the Smart Irrigation Project. Furthermore, we conducted an extensive investigation on classifications of earth dams and determined that a zoned earth fill dam would serve as the most suitable choice. 

Homogeneous Earth Fill Dams


Simple Construction Process: Homogeneous earth fill dams are relatively straightforward to construct, requiring less complex engineering and construction methods compared to some other types of dams.

Utilizes Readily Available Materials: These dams often utilize natural materials available on-site or nearby, reducing the need for extensive transportation and material sourcing.

 Economical for Smaller Dams: They are cost-effective for small-scale water retention projects, making them a suitable choice for smaller water storage or flood control applications.


Permeability Concerns: Homogeneous earth fill dams are generally more permeable compared to other types, which can lead to higher rates of seepage and potential stability issues.

Limited Height due to Stability Concerns: Due to their inherent permeability and the risk of stability concerns, homogeneous earth fill dams are typically limited in height compared to zoned earth fill dams and other types.

Susceptible to Erosion: The potential for erosion is higher in homogeneous earth fill dams due to the more uniform nature of the material, requiring additional measures to mitigate erosion risks.

Zoned Earth Fill Dams


-Enhanced Impermeability: Zoned earth fill dams are designed with distinct zones or layers, each serving a specific purpose. This zoning allows for improved impermeability compared to homogeneous earth fill dams, reducing seepage concerns.

Enhanced Stability: By utilizing different materials in specific zones, zoned earth fill dams offer enhanced stability, making them suitable for larger dam constructions and areas with challenging soil conditions.

Suitable for Larger Dam Constructions: The design and construction complexity of zoned earth fill dams make them particularly suitable for larger dams where impermeability and stability are primary concerns.


Greater Construction Complexity: The zoning and layering of materials in zoned earth fill dams require more careful planning, engineering, and construction compared to homogeneous earth fill dams, making them more complex and potentially more costly.

Requires More Labor and Careful Planning: Creating distinct zones and layers necessitates meticulous attention to detail during construction, requiring more labor and careful management throughout the construction process.

Potential for Seepage if Improperly Designed: Improper design or construction can still lead to seepage issues, meaning that even with the zoning, diligent construction practices are crucial to optimize the impermeability of zoned earth fill dams.

 Rock-Fill Dams 


Enhanced Protection against Erosion: The addition of a layer of rock fill provides enhanced protection against erosion, making these dams suitable for areas with higher water flow velocities or challenging environments.

Improved Stability with Rock Armoring: The rock armoring provides additional stability, making these dams more resistant to the erosive forces of water, wave action, or ice.

Efficient Construction in Various Environments: These dams can be constructed relatively efficiently in a variety of different environmental conditions, making them suitable for a range of terrains and water flow regimes.


Requirement for Substantial Rock Material: The construction of rock-fill dams with earth shells requires a substantial amount of rock material, which can increase construction costs and logistical challenges.

Increased Construction Complexity: Building a layered structure with rock fill and an earth shell involves greater construction complexity compared to more straightforward homogeneous or zoned earth fill dam types.

Potential for Increased Construction Time and Complexity: The addition of Rock-Fill with an earth shell introduces the complexity of layering and careful placement, potentially leading to increased construction time and costs.

Rolled-Fill Dams


Fast Construction Time: Rolled-Fill Dams are known for their relatively rapid construction time compared to some other types of earth dams, making them well-suited for projects with tight timelines.

Suitable for a Range of Terrain and Soil Types: These dams are versatile and can be constructed in a variety of terrain and soil types, allowing for greater flexibility in dam construction.

Economical for Certain Sizes and Environments: Rolled-Fill Dams can be a cost-effective option for certain sizes and environmental conditions, particularly when rapid construction is a priority.



Potential for Settlement Issues: Depending on soil conditions and compaction efforts, Rolled-Fill Dams may be more prone to settlement issues compared to other types of earth dams, requiring careful compaction control.

Requires Careful Compaction Control: Achieving proper compaction is crucial for the stability and integrity of Rolled-Fill Dams, requiring meticulous attention to quality control during the construction process.

Potential Impact of Settlement on Long-Term Stability: Settlement issues can impact the long-term stability of the dam, making ongoing maintenance and monitoring essential for the continued effectiveness of Rolled-Fill Dams.

Zoned earth fill dams are chosen due to enhanced impermeability, advanced stability, specific engineering requirements, environmental considerations, and project scalability.

Enhanced Impermeability: Zoned earth fill dams are designed with distinct layers, often incorporating impermeable materials, thus offering improved resistance to seepage compared to homogeneous earth fill dams.

Advanced Stability: The layered approach of zoned earth fill dams provides enhanced stability, making them well-suited for larger dam constructions and areas with challenging soil conditions.

Specific Engineering Requirements: In cases where impermeability, stability, and long-term performance are critical, zoned earth fill dams offer a tailored solution due to their distinct layering, which can address specific engineering needs.

Environmental Considerations: The design of zoned earth fill dams allows for a more targeted approach to addressing environmental concerns such as seepage control, erosion prevention, and long-term stability in varying climate conditions.

Project Scalability: Zoned earth fill dams are well-suited for larger dam constructions, making them a favorable choice when the need for scalability and enhanced performance is a priority.

In this case, zoned earth fill dams are chosen when impermeability, stability, specific engineering requirements, environmental considerations, and scalability are key factors dictating the best approach to earth dam construction for a specific project.

week Ten

This week, I collaborated with my team to set the groundwork for our prototype. Together, we focused on creating a strong foundation, ensuring that our prototype is built on a solid base that aligns with our project's vision and technical specifications. By working together, we were able to establish a sturdy starting point, setting the stage for the successful development of our prototype in the coming weeks.

week Eleven

This week, Our group had the chance to use the mechanical workshop to complete the prototype of our smart irrigation system. By performing many critical tasks including cutting, welding, and carefully forming the basis, we were able to reach significant completion dates for the fabrication process. The execution of these activities indicates a major milestone in our project. We can't wait to start working on the upcoming stages of the project.