Eman Worku

Greetings, this is Eman Worku. I am a fourth-year civil engineering student at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University. I am a member of Group 29 in the integrated engineering team project (IETP) of 2023. I will be using this page to share my continuous understanding and contribution to the group. 

Week One

On November 3, I had the pleasure of meeting my group members and our advisor for the first time. We engaged in a brief introduction and discussed the core idea of the integrated engineering technology project (IETP). Our advisor assigned us the task of generating ideas individually for the project. We were requested to discuss and provide our top three ideas in our next meeting.

Week Two

On November 7, members of the group had a meeting to discuss our ideas. My idea revolves around creating a micro-hydro turbine that can generate electricity and provide different utilities with energy. Once the turbine starts spinning with the help of an external force, it energizes a pumper that supplies water to spin the turbines, creating a net energy output. The point of this design is that the same water is recycled and pumped again to turn the turbine, ensuring a sustainable energy generation cycle. The micro hydro turbine offers several advantages. It harnesses renewable energy from flowing water, making it an eco-friendly solution. It also contributes to clean and sustainable energy solutions. It was selected as one of the top three ideas for the project along with an automated irrigation system and smart lock.

On November 8, our team presented our project proposals to our advisor and received feedback. Our advisor selected the top two ideas: an automated irrigation system and an IoT-based security system. Later that day, we chose to proceed with the automated irrigation system.

Week Three

This week, my team and I discussed our roles as engineers in our automated irrigation system project. As a civil engineer, I will focus on designing the water source, storage, and distribution network to meet our irrigation needs. It involves figuring out how much water we require based on the size of the area we want to irrigate. Then, I'll design a system to store that water and distribute it effectively to the areas that need irrigation.

To do this, I have been educating myself on different types of storage systems and water distribution methods. I have been studying various methods, such as storage tanks and reservoirs, to determine the most suitable option for our project. Additionally, I have been researching efficient ways to distribute the water, considering factors like the pipe network and the layout of the irrigation zones. By gaining knowledge in these areas, I aim to design a system that optimizes water storage and ensures a reliable and effective distribution network for our automated irrigation system.

Week Four

This week, I have invested my time to clearly understand my role as a civil engineer in constructing an automated irrigation system. The task of a civil engineer in relation to automated irrigation systems can be divided into three sections: Water Storage System, Water Distribution System, and Cost Management.

Water Storage System

The goal when designing a water storage system is to make sure we get a reliable water supply for irrigation while maximizing efficiency and sustainability. A few key factors to consider while choosing a storage system are:-

Water Distribution System

The aim is to ensure a well-designed and efficient system. To achieve these points, we consider some key factors:-

Cost Management

The advantage of designing a cost-effective automated irrigation system is to optimize water use, minimize expenses, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. Key factors to consider are:- 

In Addition to that, there are various types of water distribution methods like Drip Irrigation Systems, Sprinkler Irrigation Systems, and Seepage Irrigation Systems.

Seepage Irrigation System:



Drip Irrigation System:



Sprinkler Irrigation System:




Basic Tips For Designing Efficient Irrigation System. (2021, August 19). Askifas. Retrieved from AE539/AE539: Basic Tips for Designing Efficient Irrigation Systems (ufl.edu) Efficient and Effective: Factors To Consider When Designing A Drip Irrigation System Layout. (2023, May 10). FloraFlex. Retrieved from Efficient and Effective: Factors to Consider When Designing a Drip Irrigation System Layout - Blog (floraflex.com) 

Week Five

During this week, my team and I convened to conduct a comprehensive discussion on various aspects related to our project involvement and individual contributions. Our primary focus was to determine the most suitable irrigation method for our project and the reasons behind its selection. Additionally, we engaged in detailed conversations to envision the potential design of our prototype.

As part of our commitment to meeting the requirements set forth by the parties involved in the project, we dedicated ample time to address the specific topics outlined in the project proposal. These discussions encompassed a broad range of areas, enabling us to thoroughly analyze and refine our ideas. Subsequently, we prepared a draft proposal and presented it to our advisor later in the week. Our meeting with the advisor was instrumental in receiving valuable feedback and constructive suggestions, which we utilized to further enhance and strengthen our proposal.

Week Six

This week, I dedicated my time to comprehending how I, as a civil engineer, can effectively apply my technical expertise in the development and implementation of automated irrigation systems for practical use. Here are some key findings from my research:

Water Demand

Water demand calculation is a crucial step in designing an irrigation system. It involves estimating the amount of water required for irrigation based on factors such as crop type, growth stage, climate conditions, and soil characteristics. The goal is to ensure the plants receive adequate water for healthy growth while avoiding water wastage. Various methods and equations are used to estimate crop water requirements, such as the Penman-Monteith equation, which considers weather data like temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation to calculate potential evapotranspiration (PET). Crop coefficients are then applied to adjust the PET to obtain actual crop water requirements.

To further understand this, we can consider Teff, a type of grain crop commonly grown in Ethiopia. To calculate the water demand for Teff, we need to determine crop evapotranspiration (ETc) using the Penman-Monteith equation and crop coefficients specific to Teff.

Assuming we have weather data available, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation, we can input these values into the Penman-Monteith equation to calculate the potential evapotranspiration (PET). Let's say the PET value is determined to be 5 mm/day.

Next, we apply the crop coefficient specific to Teff to adjust the PET and obtain the actual crop evapotranspiration (ETc). Let's assume the crop coefficient for Teff during the specific growth stage is 0.8. Hence, the ETc for Teff would be 0.8 * 5 mm/day = 4 mm/day.

By multiplying the ETc value by the crop area, we can determine the total water demand for Teff. Let's assume the crop area is 1 hectare (10,000 square meters). Therefore, the total water demand for Teff would be 4 mm/day * 10,000 m² = 40,000 liters/day.

Pipe Sizing

Pipe sizing is an important aspect of irrigation system design as it determines the appropriate pipe diameter for efficient water distribution. Pipe sizing calculations consider factors such as desired flow rates, allowable pressure losses, and material properties. The Hazen-Williams equation, Manning's equation, or Colebrook-White equation may be used to calculate pipe sizes depending on the specific requirements of the system. These calculations ensure that the pipes can handle the required flow rates while minimizing pressure losses and maximizing system performance.

Let us consider an example where we need to determine the appropriate pipe diameter for an irrigation system. Given the following information:

We can calculate the pipe diameter (D) using the Hazen-Williams formula:

Q = (1.318 * C * A * R^(2/3) * S^(1/2))/(D^4.87)


- C = Hazen-Williams friction loss coefficient (120)

- A = cross-sectional area of the pipe (π * (D/2)^2)

- R = hydraulic radius (A/P, where P is the wetted perimeter of the pipe)

- S = slope (assumed negligible for this example)

By rearranging the equation, we can solve for D:

D = (1.318 * C * A * R^(2/3) * S^(1/2) / Q)^(1/4.87)

By plugging in the values and solving the equation, we can find the appropriate pipe diameter for the given flow rate and allowable pressure loss.

Week Seven

This week, I participated in the prototype by contributing a sketch. The sketch served as a visual representation of our project, providing a preliminary design that can be further refined and developed. This collaborative effort allows us to visualize the project's direction and make necessary adjustments for its successful implementation.

In addition to my involvement in the prototype development, I conducted thorough research to identify the most suitable type of dam for our project. I carefully examined various dam types, considering factors such as cost-effectiveness, compatibility with our project requirements, and environmental considerations. Through comprehensive research and analysis, I aimed to identify the optimal dam type that aligns with our goals and objectives.

Earth dam

During the research process, several advantages of choosing an earth dam for our project came to light. Firstly, earth dams are known for their cost-effectiveness. By utilizing locally available materials like soil, clay, and rocks, we can minimize the reliance on expensive external resources. The construction techniques for earth dams are often simpler and require less specialized equipment, resulting in cost savings.

Moreover, the compatibility of earth dams with the farm's topography is a significant advantage. By designing the dam to blend harmoniously with the natural landscape, we can minimize disruption and ensure a seamless integration into the existing farm layout.

Another benefit of an earth dam is the ability to customize water management. With an earth dam, we can tailor the storage capacity and water flow according to the specific needs of our farm. This flexibility allows us to optimize irrigation and meet the demands of our agricultural activities effectively.

Furthermore, the local availability of materials and the potential for community involvement in the construction process are notable advantages. By utilizing locally available resources, we can reduce transportation costs and support the local economy. Additionally, involving the local community in the construction process can create employment opportunities and foster a sense of engagement and ownership.

Considering these reasons, it is clear that choosing an earth dam for our project offers numerous benefits, including cost-effectiveness, compatibility with the farm's topography, customized water management, and support for the local community. These advantages align with our project's objectives.

Prototype sketch #1

Earth dam

Week Eight

This past week, I spent my time reading about the construction of earth dams and the necessary steps and requirements for designing and building them safely and efficiently. During my research, I also focused on identifying potential challenges that may arise during the construction process and finding possible solutions to overcome those challenges. 

Steps in constructing an earth dam

Constructing an earth dam involves the following steps:-

1. Site Selection: This is based on soil stability, topography, and water availability.

2. Site Investigation: Conduct studies to understand the site conditions, soil characteristics, and water flow patterns.

3. Design and Planning: Determine the dam's size, shape, and capacity

4. Earthwork Preparation: Clear vegetation and excavate the foundation area where the dam will be built. Ensure proper compaction of the foundation soil.

5. Embankment Construction: Build up the dam using suitable materials such as compacted earth, clay, or rock fill. Construct the dam in layers, compacting each layer properly.

6. Outlet and Spillway Construction: to control water flow and prevent overflow

7. Monitoring and Maintenance: Monitor factors like water levels, seepage, and dam stability. Inspect and maintain the dam to address any potential issues or deterioration.

8. Environmental Considerations: Implement erosion control measures to prevent soil erosion and protect surrounding areas.

Possible  challenges that could arise in the construction of earth dams and their solutions

The possible challenges

1. Foundation Failure: Inadequate assessment of the foundation soil can lead to settlement, slope instability, or excessive seepage, jeopardizing the dam's stability.

2. Slope Stability Issues: Incorrect slope design or inadequate compaction of fill material can result in slope failures or slippage, compromising the dam's integrity.

3. Seepage and Piping: Poor compaction or inadequate sealing measures can allow water to seep through the dam, leading to erosion and potential piping failures.

4. Inadequate Drainage: Insufficient or ineffective drainage systems can result in excessive water pressure behind the dam, increasing the risk of dam failure.

5. Construction Material Issues: Substandard or unsuitable construction materials can compromise the dam's strength, stability, and resistance to erosion.

6. Environmental Impact: Improper management of construction activities can cause ecological damage, sedimentation, or water pollution, leading to environmental and regulatory issues.

7. Inadequate Safety Measures: Insufficient safety protocols and lack of adherence to safety standards can result in accidents, injuries, or loss of life during construction.

8. Cost Overruns and Delays: Poor project management, inaccurate cost estimation, or unforeseen challenges can lead to budget overruns and construction delays.

The possible solutions

1. Foundation Failure: Conduct thorough geotechnical investigations, including soil sampling and testing, to accurately assess the foundation soil's characteristics and stability. 

2. Slope Stability Issues: Implement proper compaction techniques during construction. Reinforce slopes if necessary to maintain their stability and prevent slope failures.

3. Seepage and Piping: Install an impermeable cutoff wall. Conduct rigorous seepage analysis during design and construction to identify potential seepage paths and take appropriate measures.

4. Inadequate Drainage:  including filters, drains, and relief wells, to effectively manage water pressures behind the dam. Regularly inspect and maintain the drainage system to ensure its proper functioning.

5. Construction Material Issues: Use only approved and tested materials that comply with the project specifications and standards.

6. Environmental Impact: include measures for erosion control, sedimentation management, and water quality protection. Implement revegetation and sediment barriers, to minimize environmental impacts and comply with environmental regulations.

7. Inadequate Safety Measures: Implement a comprehensive safety program that includes regular safety training, hazard identification, and enforcement of safety protocols. Provide appropriate personal protective equipment and establish a culture of safety on the construction site.

8. Cost Overruns and Delays: Develop a detailed project plan with realistic timelines and cost estimates. Continuously monitor progress.

Week Nine

This week, I collaborated with my team to successfully prepare the progress report for the Smart Irrigation Project. Additionally, I researched different types of earth dams and decided that a zoned earth fill dam would be the best option. Here are the details of my findings.

1. Homogeneous Earthfill Dam:


Simplicity: Homogeneous earthfill dams are relatively simple to construct.

Cost-effective: They often have lower construction costs than more complex dam types.

Flexibility: They can accommodate a wide range of foundation materials.


Seepage Control: Because they lack distinct impervious zones or layers.

Stability: Particularly in regions with weak or variable soil conditions.

Limited Applications: They may not be suitable for sites with high seepage control requirements.

2. Zoned Earthfill Dam:


Seepage Control: due to the the impervious core and transition zones.

Stability: The distinct zones provide increased stability and resistance to internal erosion and piping.

Flexibility: These can be designed to suit a wide range of site conditions.


Construction Complexity: The construction of zoned earthfill dams requires careful sequencing and placement of different materials.

Design Challenges: Proper construction supervision is necessary.

Increased Seismic Vulnerability: potential weaknesses and differential settlements during seismic events.

3. Rock-fill Dam with an Earth Core:


Stability: excellent stability and resistance against erosion and external forces.

Seepage Control: The compacted earth core acts as an impervious barrier.

Flexibility: can be constructed in a variety of site conditions.


Construction Challenges: Constructing the rock-fill shell and compacting the earth core requires specialized equipment and techniques.

Cost: Due to the need for additional materials and construction expertise.

Maintenance: The rock-fill shell may require periodic inspections and maintenance to address potential rock movement or erosion.

4. Composite Dam:


Strength and Durability: The concrete elements provide strength, durability, and resistance to erosion and seepage.

Structural Integrity: The concrete components (spillways) ensure the structural integrity of the dam.

Seepage Control: This is improved by incorporating concrete elements.


Construction Complexity: involves integrating different materials and coordinating between earthfill and concrete construction processes.

Higher Cost: due to the use of concrete and construction techniques.

Foundation Compatibility: must be suitable for both the earthfill and concrete components.

A zoned earth-fill dam would often be a suitable choice:-

1. Seepage Control: Zoned earth fill dams offer improved seepage control compared to homogeneous earth fill dams. 

2. Stability: The impervious core and transition zones help prevent internal erosion, piping, and potential failure, ensuring the long-term stability of the dam.

3. Flexibility: This flexibility allows for better adaptation to the specific requirements of the irrigation project and the characteristics of the site.

4. Cost-effectiveness: While zoned earthfill dams may involve slightly higher construction costs compared to homogeneous earthfill dams, they are generally more cost-effective than composite dams or those with concrete elements. This cost-effectiveness can be advantageous for medium-sized irrigation projects with budget constraints.

5. Moderate Complexity: Constructing a zoned earth-fill dam involves some additional complexity compared to homogeneous earth-fill dams, but it is still feasible for medium-sized projects. With proper engineering design and construction supervision, zoned earthfill dams can be successfully implemented within a reasonable timeframe.

Week Ten

This week, my teammates and I got together to talk about how we should move forward with our project. We discussed how to put together the prototype for a smart water irrigation system. We also talked about some changes that needed to be made. In the end, we agreed that I would be part of the group in charge of making a three-minute video.

Maintaining a drip water irrigation pipe 

1. Regular inspections: Look for signs of water leakage, such as wet spots or pooling water around the pipes.

2. Clean the filters: Drip irrigation systems often have filters to prevent clogging. Clean or replace these filters regularly to ensure proper water flow and prevent blockages caused by debris or sediment.

3. Check for clogged emitters: Examine the drip emitters along the pipe to make sure they are not clogged. Remove any debris or mineral deposits that may obstruct the water flow.

4. Monitor water pressure: High pressure can cause damage to the pipes and emitters, while low pressure may result in ineffective watering.

5. Repair leaks promptly: If you notice any leaks in the drip irrigation pipe, repair them as soon as possible.

6. Protect from physical damage: Ensure that the drip irrigation pipes are protected from physical damage, such as accidental digging or lawn equipment. Install protective measures, such as placing them within trenches or using protective covers.

Week Eleven

This week, our team had the opportunity to utilize the mechanical workshop to bring our smart irrigation system prototype to fruition. Engaging in a range of essential activities such as welding, cutting, and meticulously shaping the base, we successfully achieved crucial milestones in the fabrication process. The completion of these tasks demonstrates a significant accomplishment in our project. Moving forward, we are eager to proceed with the next phases of development.