Haymanot Seleshi

NAME:Haymanot Sileshi

DEPARTMENT:Electrical and Computer Engineering

week one

My Name is Haymanot sileshi and 4th year electrical and computer  enginnering student at Addis Ababa Science technology university

in this  week of the IETP course, we engaged in a productive session where we met our advisor and group  members. each of us shared our names, backgrounds, and areas of expertise. Our project advisor, Dr. samson mekbib attentively listened, demonstrating genuine interest in our diverse skill sets and experiences .The primary aim of this meeting was to acquaint ourselves with the course and its overarching objectives. Our advisor played a crucial role in motivating us to share our project proposals for evaluation.

week two





Project Title:provide clean water

Name : Haymanot sileshi 

Student ID: ets 0603/13 


Proposer's e-mail address:enatusileshio6@gmail.com

Department:electrical and computer  engineering

Advisor/s:Dr.Samson Mekbib

Project concept and SDG mapping:Purifying water without electricity supply and without

harming any forest or plant and my SDG alignment is clean water and sanitation and

protecting life on land

objective: To create a solar system and water boiler hybrid

project idea ; provide clean water

In lots of areas that don’t have water and electricity; people have been drinking untreated water and getting diseases of all kind. If people are even able to boil their water to drink by making fire, they would be degrading the plants and forest around them. So, my project is to get this people a clean water without destroying the environment by using an energy source that is abundant which is solar energy. I will be creating a boiler that gets energy source from the sun

Week Three

Throughout this week, our team unanimously decided to pursue the development of an automated irrigation system as our integrated engineering project .As a electrical  engineering student and team member, I have been actively immersing myself in understanding the project and my responsibilities within it. In order to gain valuable insights, I have been extensively researching online resources and leveraging social media platforms to gather relevant information 

over the course of this week, my primary focus has been on exploring various crucial components for my project. (Ardino,soil moisture,mini water pipe,jumper wires)

Week four

Earlier this week, specifically on Monday, our team convened for a crucial meeting to distribute various tasks according to our respective areas of expertise and fields of study. 

Role and Responsibilities:

As an electrical engineer, my primary responsibility within the project was the installation and deployment of the Smart Irrigation system. My tasks encompassed the following key areas: 

1.Equipment Installation:
I oversaw the installation of various components, including moisture sensors, actuators, control panels, and communication devices. I coordinated with technicians and contractors to ensure accurate positioning, proper wiring, and integration with the central control system.
2.evaluating the electrical requirements, selecting appropriate components, and ensuring compatibility with existing infrastructure.

the project aims to enhance irrigation efficiency while addressing the challenges of water scarcity and sustainability. 

my role as an electrical engineer allowed me to delve into the intricate details of various electrical components. Some of the key components that I worked on include: 

Moisture Sensors:

Moisture sensors play a pivotal role in the Smart Irrigation system. As an electrical engineer, I was responsible for selecting and installing these sensors. These devices measure the moisture level of the soil and provide crucial data for determining the irrigation requirements. 


Actuators are electrical devices used to control the flow of water in the irrigation system. I worked on the installation and integration of actuators, ensuring their compatibility with the overall system design. These actuators respond to the data received from moisture sensors and adjust the water flow accordingly. 

 I have provided a YouTube video link below for your convenience, which will allow you to watch the content and acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. 



week five

On Monday, I convened a meeting with my project members to discuss and outline the proposal for our project. Each member had the opportunity to share their ideas and suggestions on what should be included in the proposal. We had fruitful discussions, and together we identified the key components and aspects that needed to be addressed. 

On Wednesday, I had a meeting with our advisor to present the draft proposal. During the meeting, our advisor provided valuable feedback and corrections to improve the quality of our proposal. The advisor's insights and guidance were instrumental in refining our document and ensuring that it meets the necessary standards. 

Furthermore, this week I made an effort to gain a more detailed understanding of our project. I delved into various resources, including watching informative YouTube videos related to smart irrigation. These videos provided valuable insights into the latest technologies, best practices, and case studies associated with smart irrigation systems. 




week six

This week, our advisor has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday to discuss the automated irrigation system project. During this meeting, our advisor emphasized the importance of comprehending the complex concepts related to the project and carrying out technical tasks in our respective fields of study . 

in this week i focused on how to install a smart irrigation system from an electrical perspective: 

System Design: Begin by designing the smart irrigation system based on the specific requirements of the project. Determine the number and locations of the irrigation zones, sensor placements, and the overall layout of the system.

Power Supply: Identify the power source for the system. This could be an electrical outlet or a dedicated power supply. Ensure that the power supply is capable of providing the required voltage and current to operate the system components.

Controller Installation: Install the irrigation controller, which typically consists of a microcontroller or an embedded system. Mount the controller in a suitable location, such as an indoor control panel or a weatherproof enclosure if it's installed outdoors.

Sensor Installation: Install the sensors according to the design plan. Place soil moisture, temperature, and other relevant sensors in appropriate locations within each irrigation zone. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for sensor placement and ensure proper wiring connections.

Valve and Actuator Wiring: Connect the irrigation valves and actuators to the controller. Run wires from the controller to each valve location, ensuring proper wire sizing and connections. Follow electrical wiring codes and guidelines for safe and reliable connections.

Communication Setup: If the smart irrigation system includes wireless connectivity, configure the communication modules or devices. This could involve connecting Wi-Fi or cellular modules to the controller and configuring network settings. Ensure a secure and reliable communication setup.

Power Wiring: Connect the power supply to the controller and other electrical components of the system. Use appropriate wiring techniques and connectors to ensure safe and reliable power distribution.

User Interface Setup: If the system includes a user interface, such as a mobile app or web interface, configure and set up the necessary software and connections. This involves programming the user interface to communicate with the controller and display relevant information to the user.

Testing and Troubleshooting: Once the installation is complete, thoroughly test the system to ensure proper functionality. Check sensor readings, valve control, and communication between components. Troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the testing phase.

week seven

Throughout the course of this week, our team gathered for a group meeting to delve into our project. During the meeting, we engaged in discussions and brainstorming sessions to refine our ideas and solidify our project's direction. To provide a visual representation, we created a rough prototype through sketching, which allowed us to better conceptualize the design.

One of the key outcomes of the meeting was determining the precise dimensions of the prototype. This crucial step enabled us to establish the appropriate scale and proportions for our project. We then had the opportunity to present our prototype to our advisor, who graciously shared valuable insights and ideas. Taking their feedback into consideration, we proceeded to make necessary adjustments and enhancements to our prototype.

week eight

During this week, our group members collaborated on creating a comprehensive bill of materials for our smart irrigation system project. We aimed to identify and procure all the necessary equipment required for the successful implementation of the system.

Individually, my focus was on two specific aspects: installation of the materials and determining the power requirements for the system's installation. I took on the responsibility of understanding how to properly install the various components and ensuring that they functioned optimally. Additionally, I explored the power needs of the smart irrigation system to ensure that it would operate efficiently

week nine

During this week's team meeting, we focused on discussing our progress report, which is due on Friday. We shared updates on our individual tasks and discussed our overall progress in meeting project

In addition to the progress report, we dedicated time to discussing the materials required for our project. We explored various options for acquiring these materials, including purchasing them and reallocating resources from previous tasks. By carefully evaluating our needs and available resources, we aimed to optimize our budget and project efficiency.

week ten

During the past week, our team embarked on an exciting project. We began by procuring all the necessary materials forOnce we had acquired all the materials, we wasted no time and immediately set to work on building the prototype. Each member of our team, with their unique skills and expertise, was assigned specific tasks based on their department.  our prototype .

week elleven

 Prototype Development Project

During this week, our team embarked on an exciting project to develop a prototype. Our primary objective was to complete the final prototype, encompassing both software development and installation aspects. However, we encountered several challenges along the way that tested our problem-solving skills and adaptability.

Challenge 1: Workshop Closure:

One of the significant obstacles we faced was the sudden closure of our designated workshop space. The unexpected closure disrupted our plans and affected our ability to conduct hands-on work and collaborate effectively. Despite this setback, our team quickly regrouped and brainstormed alternative solutions to ensure the project's continuity.

Challenge 2: Technical Hurdles:

Another significant challenge we encountered during the prototype development was the complexity of the technical requirements. The intricate nature of the software development and installation components posed unexpected difficulties and necessitated innovative problem-solving.


Despite the obstacles we faced, our team made commendable progress during the week. Furthermore, our collaborative troubleshooting approach enabled us to overcome the technical hurdles and make substantial headway in the software development and installation aspects of the prototype.

Lessons Learned:

Through this project, we gained valuable insights and lessons that will guide our future endeavors. We learned the importance of adaptability and resourcefulness in the face of unexpected obstacles. Additionally, our experience highlighted the significance of open communication and collaborative problem-solving to overcome technical challenges effectively.