Bisrat Abebe

Week One

Hello am Bisrat Abebe A fourth year electro mechanical student in Addis Abeba science and technology university(AASTU).

In this year me and 10 AASTU students get the opprtunity to produce a product that goes with  some of sustainable development goals(SDG) goals.

by this week we get our advisor and he told us to choose the project idea that can be produced.

Week Two

According s to our advisor command we choose project ideas and from them we choose one which can be produced .

                    MY OWN PROJECT IDEA

                              Manufacturing of Boiler

The main objective of manufacturing this material is to boil water and it meet with the SDG  goal which says clean water and sanitation, producing this material can solve many problems from them  

Week Three

we made a meeting with our advisor and he advice us to do our project properly according s to the prepared guideline.

Week Four

By this week on Monday  we met as  a group to discuss  about how we do the project.

By this discussion we tries to allocate the task each individual should do according to our department.

In addition of this we had a meeting with our advisor  on wednesday and he told us our over all Epifactor result up to that day and my result is  0.75.

For me from listed tasks manager is  given. and why this task is given for me b/c this task needs controlling all the members of this project do. 

so for this it is necessary to know how every thing is done. by one scenario I get a chance to work on automatic irrigation system so I uses this experience to accomplish what is given for me.

and also this task have relation with my field electromechanical b/c I am goings to manage and control a  mechatronic system.


Week Five

By this week on the first day we met as a group and we talk a lot about how the project can proceed. 

but basically most of our time is covered by discussing about how we can do the project proposal. 

Eventually we agree to divide the topics in it for individuals in a group  and finally collected  and combined.

our second achievement by this week is on wednesday we met with our advisor and one of our group member presents our project proposal.

after that our advisor said that  the proposal have somethings that have to be corrected according s to that by the remaining days we tried as a group  to correct what needs to be corrected.


In this week as a previous weeks  I don't do many things

b/c On the last week meeting me and one our software group member talks about how the project can be proceeds and as our discussion first we have to proceed the simulation part before making the prototype and as he is a software he takes the responsibility to write the code on the Arduino programming language and uploads on the Proteus, when he do this am be his assistant but by this week he trying to download the Proteus and Arduino software's b/c this reason my intervention  hardly ever.

but I hope by coming weeks we can finish the simulation part and go to the prototype.

Week seven

In this week am tries to understand deeply how automatic irrigation works.  the following is from I reads

In this system, the moisture sensor senses the moisture level of the soil and when the sensor senses a low moisture level it automatically switches the water pump with the help of a micro controller and irrigates the plant. After supplying sufficient water, the soil gets retains the moisture hence automatically stopping the pump. 

The working of the soil moisture sensor is very easy to understand. It has 2 probes with exposed contacts that act like a variable resistor whose resistance varies according to the water content in the soil. This resistance is inversely proportional to the soil moisture which means that higher water in the soil means better conductivity and hence a lower resistance. While the lower water in the soil means poor conductivity and will result in higher resistance. The sensor produces an analog voltage output according to the resistance.

The sensor comes with an electronic module that connects the probe to the Arduino. The module has an LM393 High Precision Comparator which converts the analog signal to a Digital Output which is fed to the micro controller.

Components Required for the Automatic Irrigation System

so as I mention on the above section i am tries to understand how the soil moisture operates and what materials are required for our  project.

and also I saw how the assembly of materials can be carried out.

Week Eight

By this week am tries gather information about how the assembliy of the whole component can be done.

Assembling the Automatic Irrigation System

Let's start with connecting the relay to the Arduino board. Connect the VCC of the relay module to the 5v pin of the Arduino and connect the ground of the relay to the ground of Arduino. Now connect the relay signal pin to any digital pin of Arduino except pin 13. Here I have connected it to pin 3 as shown in the image below.  

The next step is to connect the soil moisture sensor with the Arduino. Connect the VCC and gnd of the sensor to the 5volt and ground pin of the Arduino. The analogue output of the sensor connects to any analogue pin of the Arduino, here I’ve connected it to pin A0 (according to our program).

Finally, connect the pump to the relay module. A relay module has 3 connection points which are common, normally closed, and normally open. We have to connect the pump positive to common and connect the normally open pin to the positive of the battery. You have to select the battery as per your pump. The next step is to connect the ground of the pump to the ground of the Arduino and finally, connect the small hose to the water pump.

Now connect the battery to the circuit and if the pump starts working then your circuit is okay. Now let's upload code to Arduino.

week Nine

By this week am tries to understand how the code that can be uploaded to the micro controller can be write.

As I understand the following code says first select the output pin from the Arduino to give for the pump, and also select the input pin from the Arduino to connect with the moisture sensor then after reading the sensor value 

If the moisture % is less than 10 automatically Arduino gives 5V to the pump ups to % be more than 80%

else Arduino continuous giving 0V to the pump

int soil Moisture Value = 0;

int percentage=0;

void setup() {

  pin Mode(3,OUTPUT); 



void loop() {

soil Moisture Value = analog Read(A0);

percentage = map(soil Moisture Value, 490, 1023, 0, 100);


void setup() {



void loop() {

 int sensor Value = analog Read(A0);

  Serial.println(sensor Value);


If (percentage < 10) 


  Serial.println(" pump on");

  digital Write(3,HIGH);


if(percentage >80) 


  Serial.println("pump off");

  digital Write(3,LOW); 



week ten

By This week, we bought the items that will allow us to assemble

The materials are as follows

-DHT(digital temperature and humidity sensor) 

-Moisture sensor

-WiFi Module instead of Arduino

-2 Water pumps

-Electromagnetic switch(Relay)

-DC battery

In addition of those we bought Jumper cables to connect sensors with controller and controller with actuators.