Project Overview: Automated Irrigation System


The Automated Irrigation System project introduces a smart and efficient solution that revolutionizes traditional irrigation methods. By leveraging advanced technologies and artificial intelligence, this system optimizes water usage, increases crop yield, and reduces manual labor. It aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by promoting water efficiency, sustainable agriculture, and the use of innovative technologies to address global challenges.

                          SDG Goals







Project Title : Automated Irrigation System

Group: 29

 H/P No:

Department:  software engineering

Advisor/s: Dr.Samson Mekbib

Collaborator(s) (if any) : 

Project concept and SDG mapping:


 Short summary of the project (not more than 200 words):

An automated irrigation system has several key objectives that contribute to efficient and effective water management. First and foremost, it aims to conserve water by delivering the right amount of water to plants based on their specific needs, avoiding overwatering and reducing water waste. Precision irrigation is another objective, achieved by targeting water delivery to the root zone, minimizing runoff and evaporation. The system also offers time and labor savings by eliminating manual watering, allowing for automated scheduling and operation. Ensuring watering consistency promotes plant health and stress prevention, while customization and flexibility enable adjustments based on plant and soil requirements, as well as changing weather conditions. The system incorporates monitoring and control features with sensors and controllers, enabling real-time monitoring and remote access. Integration with weather data allows for adjustments based on current weather conditions, optimizing water usage during rainfall. Ultimately, the system aims to promote plant health and growth by providing adequate water at the right time, preventing plant diseases, and offering cost savings through reduced water bills and maintenance expenses. By conserving water resources and promoting sustainable practices, an automated irrigation system contributes to efficient water management and environmental stewardship. 


Materials, Tools, equipment/instruments required:

The project requires the following components: