Nebiyu Zewge


During the first week of the IETP course, we had the opportunity to meet with our advisor and fellow team members. The purpose of this meeting was to provide a general introduction to the course and its objectives. Our advisor also encouraged us to submit our project ideas for consideration. In the end, we will be ranking our top three project ideas, and the highest-ranked idea will be chosen as our main project for the course. This process allows us to collaboratively select a project that aligns with our interests and maximizes our learning experience. 

week- two

                                   FORM A






Project Title:Automated Irrigation systemAutn Student Name: Nebiyu Zewge  

Student ID: ets1051/13 


Proposer's e-mail

 H/P No:

Department:software engineering

Advisor/s:Dr.Samson Mekbib

Collaborator(s) (if any) : 

Project concept and SDG mapping:


 Short summary of the project (not more than 200 words):

An automated irrigation system has several key objectives that contribute to efficient and effective water management. First and foremost, it aims to conserve water by delivering the right amount of water to plants based on their specific needs, avoiding overwatering and reducing water waste. Precision irrigation is another objective, achieved by targeting water delivery to the root zone, minimizing runoff and evaporation. The system also offers time and labor savings by eliminating manual watering, allowing for automated scheduling and operation. Ensuring watering consistency promotes plant health and stress prevention, while customization and flexibility enable adjustments based on plant and soil requirements, as well as changing weather conditions. The system incorporates monitoring and control features with sensors and controllers, enabling real-time monitoring and remote access. Integration with weather data allows for adjustments based on current weather conditions, optimizing water usage during rainfall. Ultimately, the system aims to promote plant health and growth by providing adequate water at the right time, preventing plant diseases, and offering cost savings through reduced water bills and maintenance expenses. By conserving water resources and promoting sustainable practices, an automated irrigation system contributes to efficient water management and environmental stewardship. 


Materials, Tools, equipment/instruments required:

The project requires the following components:


Arduino .pdf

week Three

This week, I have been dedicating my time to exploring various components of a project. Specifically, I have been delving into topics such as Arduino, Wi-Fi relay modules, and moisture sensors. In order to facilitate my learning process, I have taken the initiative to install the Arduino work environment.

By familiarizing myself with Arduino, I aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of its functionalities and potential applications. This microcontroller platform offers a wide range of possibilities for creating interactive projects and prototypes. With the Arduino work environment now installed, I have access to a user-friendly interface that allows me to write, compile, and upload code to the Arduino board.

Moreover, I have been extensively researching Wi-Fi relay modules. These modules enable wireless communication between devices and play a crucial role in remote control applications. By incorporating a Wi-Fi relay module into my project, I can establish a connection between the Arduino board and other devices, facilitating seamless data transmission.

Additionally, I have been studying moisture sensors, which are essential for detecting and measuring the moisture levels in various environments. These sensors provide valuable data that can be utilized in a multitude of applications, such as irrigation systems or environmental monitoring.

By focusing on these components and investing time in understanding their functionalities, I am confident that I will be well-equipped to tackle the challenges that lie ahead in my project. I look forward to further expanding my knowledge and applying it to create innovative solutions.


week Four

This week, on Monday, we had a meeting with our group members to allocate different tasks based on our field of study. As a software student, I was assigned the task of managing the code part of Arduino and building the user interface for our website. After the meeting, I took the initiative to delve into the details of the different materials we will be working with, such as Arduino, a WiFi relay module, and a sensor.

During the meeting, we discussed and assigned tasks based on our areas of expertise. As a software student, I was specifically assigned the responsibility of managing the code part of Arduino and developing the user interface for our website.

Following the meeting, I took the initiative to conduct in-depth research on the various components we will be working with. These include Arduino, a versatile electronics platform and  WiFi relay module.By gaining a deeper understanding of these materials, I aim to enhance my knowledge and effectively contribute to the project.

In our project, we will use the Arduino UNO R3 board because it is widely recognized and supported in the Arduino community, making it easier to find resources, tutorials, and troubleshooting assistance. The Arduino UNO R3 is well-documented, Additionally, its versatility and compatibility with a wide range of shields and modules allow for easy expansion and integration of additional components, such as the moisture sensor in our smart irrigation system. Furthermore, the Arduino UNO R3 offers a balance between functionality and cost-effectiveness, making it a practical choice for our project's requirements. 

Also, we will use the WiFi relay with ESP8266 in our project because it provides wireless connectivity capabilities, specifically through the built-in WiFi module. This allows us to remotely control the relay over a network connection, which is essential for our smart irrigation system. By integrating the ESP8266 with the WiFi relay, we can establish communication between the Arduino board and the relay, enabling us to control the irrigation system from a centralized location or even through a web-based interface. The ESP8266's compatibility with Arduino and its availability of libraries and resources make it a convenient choice for implementing wireless communication in our project.

And also, I am exploring how Arduino and the WiFi relay module work together to enhance our smart irrigation system. If you would like to learn more about it, I have attached a YouTube video link below for you to watch and gain a deeper understanding. 


week five

On Monday, our team convened to discuss the forthcoming proposal for friendy. The meeting proved to be highly constructive as we collectively defined the project's scope, intricately detailing its objectives, tasks, and overall goals. Notably, there were comprehensive discussions surrounding the materials essential for the project's success, encompassing technology tools, software, and hardware requirements. The collaborative atmosphere fostered effective information sharing, with team members providing updates on their respective areas of responsibility. Progress reports, challenges encountered, and proposed solutions enriched the collective understanding of the project landscape. Decision-making processes were transparently navigated, whether through consensus-building or other methodologies, ensuring a unified approach. As a culmination, the meeting concluded with clearly outlined action items and responsibilities for each team member, establishing a roadmap for the project's seamless progression. The session's outcomes not only solidified our project strategy but also set the stage for a dynamic and well-coordinated team effort.

On Friday, we engaged in a collaborative session with our advisor to discuss the draft of our proposal. During the meeting, we sought guidance on refining our proposal to align it with the required format. The advisor provided valuable insights and suggestions, guiding us in making necessary adjustments to enhance the overall quality and coherence of our proposal. This interaction proved instrumental in ensuring that our document not only meets the specified format but also adheres to the standards expected for a successful submission.

This week, i dedicated time to studying the functionality of weather APIs and exploring ways to integrate them into our project. The focus was on understanding the underlying mechanisms of how weather APIs operate, including data retrieval, format, and the range of information available. Through this exploration, we aimed to grasp the technical aspects of implementing a weather API seamlessly into our project. 

important Link 

Week 6

This week, I am exploring how to build simulations using the Protus software. Specifically, I am interested in simulating mobile connections with Protus. I want to understand the process of simulating mobile networks and how Protus can be utilized for this purpose. 

Protus is a software tool primarily used for electronic circuit simulation and design. It is widely utilized by engineers, students, and hobbyists for developing and testing electronic circuits before physically implementing them. Protus offers a comprehensive suite of features that enable users to design, simulate, and validate circuits efficiently.

The software provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to create circuit schematics using a vast library of electronic components, including resistors, capacitors, transistors, microcontrollers, and more. These components can be interconnected and configured to represent complex electronic systems.

One of the key strengths of Protus is its simulation capabilities. It employs various simulation algorithms to analyze and predict the behavior of electronic circuits. Users can simulate circuit operation, analyze voltage and current waveforms, measure signal characteristics, and perform various types of analysis, such as transient analysis, frequency response analysis, and more.

Protus also supports mixed-signal simulation, allowing users to combine analog and digital components in a single circuit design. This feature is particularly useful for simulating systems that involve both analog and digital signals, such as microcontroller-based projects.

In addition to circuit simulation, Protus offers tools for PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design. Users can transfer their circuit designs to the PCB layout module, where they can arrange components, define copper traces, and generate manufacturing files for producing physical PCBs.

Overall, Protus provides a powerful and versatile platform for designing, simulating, and prototyping electronic circuits and systems. Its intuitive interface, extensive component library, and simulation capabilities make it a popular choice among electronics enthusiasts and professionals alike.

important Link

week seven

Last Monday, we held a group meeting to discuss the project prototype. During the meeting, we determined its dimensions and visualized its final appearance by sketching on a piece of paper. On Wednesday, we met with our advisor to seek guidance and feedback on our ideas. 

This week, I've been working on building the website that we'll ultimately use for our project. The website consists of both frontend and backend components. Currently, I'm focusing on developing the frontend, which involves creating the visual appearance of the website. 

I'm currently working on the frontend using HTML, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript to craft the visual aspects of our website 

week Eight 

In recent weeks, I've been researching how to implement remote control for a smart irrigation system with a user interface. I've discovered that Arduino IoT Cloud can be used to control Arduino devices while providing a user interface experience.

 Here are the steps to set up a smart irrigation system with a user interface using the Arduino IoT Cloud:

1. Account Creation:

- Visit [Arduino IoT Cloud]( and create a new account.

2. Thing Configuration:

- Navigate to the Arduino IoT Cloud dashboard.

- Create a new Thing, providing a name and selecting the appropriate board type (e.g., Arduino Uno, MKR WiFi 1010).

3. Variable Customization:

- Customize variables based on requirements, such as "moistureLevel" and "pumpStatus."

4. Dashboard Design:

- Access the "Dashboard" section.

- Add controls (e.g., sliders, buttons) for the defined variables.

- Customize the dashboard layout for an optimal user experience.

5. Arduino Sketch Setup:

- Install the Arduino IoT Cloud library in the Arduino IDE.

- Open the Arduino IoT Cloud sketch.

- Replace default WiFi and IoT Cloud credentials with personal credentials.

- Upload the sketch to the Arduino board.

6. Monitoring and Control:

- Access the Arduino IoT Cloud dashboard.

- Observe the status of the Thing and use the controls for remote monitoring and control.

7. Weather API Integration:

- Obtain an API key from a weather service provider (e.g., OpenWeatherMap).

- Modify the Arduino sketch to incorporate HTTP requests to the weather API.

- Update irrigation decisions based on weather conditions.

8. Testing and Refinement:

- Test the smart irrigation system in various scenarios to ensure proper responses to soil moisture and weather conditions.

- Refine the dashboard and controls for an improved user experience.

9. Scaling and Optimization:

- Scale the system by adding more sensors or actuators if necessary.

- Optimize the Arduino sketch for power consumption and efficiency.

important Link

week -Nine 

Throughout this week, Yordanos Nigusu and I collaborated on an extensive project involving the creation of an interface and the modeling of a prototype. We utilized the Arduino IoT Cloud to implement this system. The primary function of the interface is to enable remote control of the Arduino device. Additionally, it provides a dynamic display of the current status of various variables, including but not limited to soil moisture levels and weather conditions. This development is a significant step in enhancing the functionality and accessibility of our project.

week Ten

This week, we purchased all the materials and began working on the prototype. We are implementing the simulation in a practical way. As you can see in the picture, we have divided the work according to our respective departments. Next week, we will combine all the components and complete our project.

week Eleven

In the course of this week, our primary focus has been on bringing the Smart Irrigation System project to completion. The concerted efforts have been directed towards finalizing both the mechanical and software components, ensuring a comprehensive and functional solution to optimize water usage in agriculture.

This week has seen dedicated endeavors to address the outstanding aspects of the project, with particular attention given to refining the mechanical and software elements. Both aspects are integral to the system's overall efficacy, and substantial strides have been made in bridging any existing gaps.

Challenges Overcome

In the pursuit of completing the project, we encountered certain challenges. Technical glitches in the software component were identified and promptly addressed through rigorous testing and debugging processes. This proactive approach ensures a robust and reliable smart irrigation system.

User Engagement and Education

Recognizing the importance of user understanding, efforts have been directed towards conducting workshops and developing comprehensive documentation. This initiative aims to educate end-users about the functionalities and benefits of the Smart Irrigation System, fostering a sense of confidence and competence in its operation.


The progress made during this week underscores our dedication to delivering a robust and comprehensive Smart Irrigation System. The integration of both mechanical and software components positions the system as a cutting-edge solution in sustainable agriculture. With a focus on user education and engagement, we are poised to create a positive impact on global agricultural practices, promoting water conservation and enhancing crop yield.