Yoseph Dagnachew

I'm Yoseph Dagnachew, a fourth-year student at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University majoring in electromechanical engineering. As a member of Group 29 in the 2023 Integrated Engineering Team Project (IETP), I will be posting updates about my weekly development in this portfolio.

Week One

During the first week of the IETP course, our advisor urged us to submit our project ideas for review. We will ultimately rank our top three project ideas, and the proposal that receives the best score will be the primary project for the semester.

Week Two




Student Name: Yoseph Dagnachew

Student ID: ETS 1387/13

Group: 29

Proposer's e-mail address: z1yosi1994@gmail.com

H/P No: 0949951994

Department: Electromechanical engineering

Advisor/s: Dr. Samson Mekbib

Collaborator(s) (if any):  –


Project Concept and SDG Mapping:

Project Concept:

The project aims to develop an advanced precision agriculture system, leveraging electro-mechanical engineering principles, to address the goal of "No Hunger" (SDG 2 - Zero Hunger). By integrating sensors, actuators, and automation, this system will optimize various aspects of crop cultivation to enhance efficiency and contribute to increased food production.

SDG Mapping:

   - Goal: Zero Hunger (SDG 2)

   - Target: Implement advanced precision agriculture techniques to improve crop yields and food security.



1. Enhance Crop Monitoring:

   - Implement sensors for real-time monitoring of soil conditions, moisture levels, and crop health.

   - Develop a user-friendly interface for farmers to access and interpret the monitoring data.

2. Automated Irrigation System:

   - Integrate actuators and controllers to automate irrigation based on soil moisture content, optimizing water usage.

   - Provide manual override options for farmers to align with local knowledge and preferences.

3. Smart Harvesting Techniques:

   - Incorporate automated harvesting mechanisms to improve efficiency and reduce post-harvest losses.

   - Implement machine learning algorithms to identify optimal harvest times for different crops.

4. Drone-Assisted Crop Surveillance:

   - Utilize drones equipped with cameras and sensors for aerial surveillance of large agricultural areas.

   - Develop image processing algorithms to identify potential issues such as pest infestations or nutrient deficiencies.


Short Summary of the Project:

The advanced precision agriculture system is a comprehensive solution designed to empower farmers with cutting-edge technology. By combining real-time monitoring, automated irrigation, smart harvesting, and drone-assisted surveillance, the project aims to revolutionize traditional farming practices. Ultimately, it strives to contribute significantly to achieving the goal of "Zero Hunger" by increasing agricultural productivity and ensuring food security.


Materials, Tools, Equipment/Instruments Required:

1. Sensors and Monitoring Devices:

2. Actuators and Automation Components:

3. Communication and Interface Components:

4. Drone Technology:

5. Power Supply:

6. Training and Support:

Week Three

This week, Our team decided to undertake our integrated engineering project of developing an automated irrigation system. And as an electromechanical student I'll be helping out with setting up the materials especially the control system, Arduino.

Week Four

During this week's Monday team meeting we allocated the tasks that each department was supposed to carry out so as a student of electromechanical  engineering, I was tasked with designing the mechanical structure and framework of the automated irrigation system, integrating the electrical parts into the mechanical structure & collaborate with other departments to make a synchronized work.

In addition to that, we got together on Wednesday to talk about our progress with our advisor, who commented  and suggested that we look into the literature review and earlier smart irrigation projects.

Week Five

We convened with our team members on Monday to contemplate the contents of our proposal. We chose the final version after discussing the content of the proposal. On Wednesday, we completed the proposal and gave it to our advisor for approval. Our advisor gave us input and recommended some modifications to make the proposal better.

Week 6

Automated irrigation systems leverage electronic and mechanical components to efficiently manage the watering of crops or landscaping without manual intervention and an an electromechanical engineer plays a crucial role in designing, implementing, and maintaining automated irrigation systems. Here's an overview of the key responsibilities and tasks of an electromechanical engineer in the context of an automated irrigation system:

Generally, Electromechanical engineer in an automated irrigation system plays a multidisciplinary role, combining skills in software, electrical and mechanical engineering, control systems, programming to create efficient and reliable solutions for automated watering

Week 7

We met with my teammates and went over the prototype in great detail and at a general overview. We talked about the prototype's dimensions, materials and types, required pump type and quantity, and power requirements for the system to function.

The prototype automated irrigation system tracks soil moisture content and modifies water flow using sensors, valves, and controllers to make sure plants get the proper quantity of water at the right time, depending on the weather.

On Wednesday, we had met our adviser who appreciated and suggested that we work on the prototype based on the the real application of automated irrigation system

Week 8

This week, we worked together as a group to prepare an extensive bill of materials for our project. Our goal was to locate and acquire every piece of hardware needed for the system to be implemented successfully.

After the materials are acquired assembling the materials for a smart irrigation system involves integrating various components such as sensors, actuators, micro-controllers, and power supplies into the system. Here's a general overview of how the assembly process might work:

Week 9

This week i tried to find comprehensive information about Arduino board. An Arduino board is a key component in many electronics projects, including smart irrigation systems. It's a microcontroller-based development platform that provides a simple and accessible way to create interactive electronic devices. Here are some key features of Arduino boards:

Arduino boards are programmed using the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which provides a user-friendly interface for writing, compiling, and uploading code to the board. The Arduino programming language is based on C/C++ and includes a set of libraries that simplify the interaction with the hardware features of the board.

Here's a basic example of Arduino code for a smart irrigation system using a soil moisture sensor and a water pump. This example assumes you have an Arduino board, a soil moisture sensor (analog output), and a water pump (controlled by a digital output pin). 

// Pin definitions

const int soilMoisturePin = A0;  // Analog input pin for soil moisture sensor

const int pumpPin = 8;           // Digital output pin for water pump

// Threshold for watering (adjust as needed)

const int moistureThreshold = 500;  // Example threshold value, adjust according to your sensor

void setup() {

  // Initialize the pump pin as an output

  pinMode(pumpPin, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize serial communication for debugging (optional)



void loop() {

  // Read the soil moisture sensor value

  int moistureValue = analogRead(soilMoisturePin);


  // Debugging output (optional)

  Serial.print("Moisture value: ");



  // Check if the soil is dry enough to water

  if (moistureValue < moistureThreshold) {

    // Soil is dry, turn on the water pump

    digitalWrite(pumpPin, HIGH);

    Serial.println("Watering the plants...");


    // Add a delay for watering (adjust as needed)

    delay(5000);  // Example: water for 5 seconds


    // Turn off the water pump after watering

    digitalWrite(pumpPin, LOW);

    Serial.println("Watering complete.");



  // Add a delay between readings to avoid rapid cycling

  delay(1000);  // Example: 1-second delay between readings


This code continuously reads the soil moisture sensor value in the loop() function. If the moisture value falls below a certain threshold (moistureThreshold), indicating that the soil is dry, the water pump is turned on for a specified duration to water the plants. After watering, the pump is turned off, and the process repeats.

You may need to adjust the pin numbers, threshold values, and timing parameters according to your specific hardware and requirements. Also, consider adding error handling, sensor calibration, and additional features (such as integrating temperature or humidity sensors) for a more advanced smart irrigation system.

Week 10

This week i have observed that in a smart irrigation system, a relay module can be used to control the water pump or valves. A relay is an electrically operated switch that can be controlled by a low-power signal (from a micro controller like Arduino) to switch a much higher power load (like a water pump or valve) on or off. Here's how you might use a relay module in conjunction with an Arduino for a smart irrigation system:

By using a relay module in your smart irrigation system, you can effectively control the flow of water to your plants based on environmental conditions, thereby conserving water and ensuring optimal plant growth.