Meryem Kelifa

My name is Meryem Kelifa, and I am a fourth-year Electrical engineering student at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University. I am a proud member of Group 29 in the 2023 Integrated Engineering Team Project (IETP). In this portfolio, I will be sharing my weekly progress with those who visit it. 

Week One

The first day on November 1, 2023, we all met and introduced ourselves. We were greeted by our advisor who gave us a detailed explanation of the project. After the briefing, we were tasked with coming up with project ideas for our team project.

Week Two

This week, on Tuesday November 7,2023 , we gathered to discuss the project idea that we had come up with. During our meeting, better ideas were put forward and thoroughly deliberated upon. Among these ideas, my proposal was to create an automated irrigation system that could effectively manage water usage and optimize crop growth on a farm. This system would employ sensors, actuators, and control systems to monitor soil moisture levels and make adjustments to the watering schedule accordingly. In addition, it would consider weather conditions and other environmental factors to ensure efficient water usage. The project would involve conducting feasibility studies, designing and developing the system, installing and testing it, and implementing regular maintenance, monitoring, and evaluation procedures to ensure its continuous alignment with the farm's requirements. After considering the various topics discussed, we have decided to focus on three specific areas. 1.irrigation system 

2.Smart lock 

3.Micro turbine.

On Wednesday, we met with our advisor to discuss the methods and objectives of each of our project ideas. During the meeting, we discussed the feasibility and potential impact of each idea, and narrowed down our focus to two main topics. Automated irrigation system and smart home.By Friday, we hope to have chosen one of the two ideas to move forward with.

Week Three

This week, I tried to gather information about the Arduino controller and delve into the realm of automated irrigation systems. On Friday, we convened with our advisor, who instructed us to deliberate upon the allocation of tasks.

In my capacity as an electrical engineering student, I shall focus on sensor technology, control systems, power management, communication, as well as integrating modern technologies into the development of automated irrigation systems.

Week Four

This week, we held a meeting with our team members on Monday during which we assigned tasks to be carried out by each department. As an electrical engineering student, I was assigned the task of installing the circuit once we acquire the necessary materials.

On Wednesday, we gathered to discuss our progress with our advisor, who provided us with support and advised us to delve into the literature review and previous projects related to smart irrigation. In line with this guidance, I explored an automated irrigation system circuit installation on this website:- How to make a smart irrigation system with Arduino UNO R4 WIFI board ( 

And I also viewed informative videos on the subject via the following link:

As a general outline for the circuit installation, once the components are prepared, we proceed by connecting the relay module and soil moisture sensor to the Arduino UNO board. Subsequently, we link the Arduino board to the computer and proceed with setting up the Arduino Cloud. Following this, the USB cable is removed. Next, we connect the water pipe to the mini water pump and subsequently connect the water pump to the relay module. Finally, we connect the external 5VDC power supply to this system.

week five

On Monday, we held a meeting with our team members to discuss the contents of our proposal. We discussed the proposal content and decided on the final version. We finalized the proposal on Wednesday and presented it to our advisor for review. Our advisor provided feedback and suggested some changes that we should make to improve the proposal. We made the necessary edits and will submit the proposal on Friday. Additionally, I read a literature review on automatic watering of plants from the following site: . This phase of the project has given me valuable experience in working on a team and writing a project proposal.

week six

This week, we all have a meeting with our advisor on Wednesday to discuss the project of an automated irrigation system. During the meeting, he instructed us to understand the intricate concepts related to the project and to perform technical work in our respective fields of study. As he spoke, I delved into the safety precautions necessary for automated irrigation systems, as well as the voltage drop for different irrigation systems. In our project, it is imperative to prioritize safety measures in order to ensure the system operates optimally and does not pose any risk to individuals or property. As an electrical engineer, I will focus on implementing safety protocols, such as proper installation of components, labeling all components, and so on. Additionally, I have calculated the voltage drop of one irrigation system by making assumptions for material ratings and have attached my work below.

week  Seven

On Tuesday, we held a meeting with my team members and discussed broadly and in detail about the prototype. We covered various aspects of the prototype such as its dimension, materials and material types, type and number of pump needed and the power needed for the system to run effectively.

On Wednesday, we were in meeting with our advisor and shared our ideas. He appreciated and briefed us with additional guiding ideas for our next move.

As we discussed with my partners, our prototype's dimension will be:

Length: 80 cm

Width: 60 cm.

The prototype of an automated irrigation system typically includes the following components:

* Soil moisture sensors: These sensors measure the moisture content of the soil by inserting electrodes into the ground and measuring the electrical resistance between them.

* Water supply: This is the source of water that is used to irrigate the plants. We have chosen a river as the water source.

* Valves: These are mechanical or electronic devices that control the flow of water to the plants. They are typically opened or closed based on the signal received from the controller.

* Controller: This is the brain of the irrigation system. It receives input from the soil moisture sensors and controls the valves based on a pre-programmed set of rules or algorithms. We have chosen Arduino to control our project.

The prototype of an automated irrigation system is designed to monitor the moisture levels in the soil and adjust the water supply accordingly. It typically consists of a series of sensors, valves, and controllers that work together to ensure that the plants receive the right amount of water at the right time. The system can be programmed to water the plants at specific times of the day or night, and can also be adjusted based on factors such as weather conditions and plant growth stages.

week Eight

On Tuesday, we all met and discussed the equipment and materials required for our project. We made a list of the materials needed and tried to find out their prices and where we could obtain them. On Wednesday, we were in a meeting with our advisor, and he advised us to proceed with our project.

This week, I have been researching and studying the power requirements for an automated irrigation system in a real-life scenario. I calculated the horsepower needed for a farm and have attached the calculations below. Additionally, I read about the energy consumption of an automated irrigation system on the website < >.

week Nine

This week, we discussed our progress report, which will be submitted on Friday. We also talked about the materials we need for our project and how to acquire them through buying them and through the allocation of previous tasks. On Wednesday, we met with our advisor and he advised us to start working on the prototype. Additionally, I read about sensor technology.

soil moisture sensor controllers utilize a soil moisture sensor placed belowground in the root zone of lawns to determine water need.  The soil moisture sensor estimates the soil volumetric water content.  Volumetric water content represents the portion of the total volume of soil occupied by water.                                                                                                                        

Soil moisture sensors work by measuring the electrical properties of the soil. These sensors use two electrodes, one to measure the soil's moisture content and another to provide a reference point for comparison.

When water is added to the soil, it changes the electrical properties of the soil. This change in electrical properties is measured by the sensor, which uses this information to determine the moisture content of the soil.

Soil moisture sensors can be classified into two main types:

 1. capacitive and 

2. resistive. 

Capacitive sensors use the change in the electrical capacitance of the soil as a measure of moisture content, while resistive sensors use the change in the electrical resistance of the soil as a measure of moisture content.

The most commonly used type of soil moisture sensor is the capacitive sensor. These sensors work by measuring the change in the electrical capacitance of the soil as it becomes more or less saturated with water. As the soil becomes more saturated, the capacitance of the soil increases, which is detected by the sensor.

There are several types of capacitive soil moisture sensors, including:

1. Dielectric constant sensors: These sensors measure the change in the dielectric constant of the soil as it becomes more or less saturated with water.

2. Frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) sensors: These sensors use electromagnetic waves to measure the change in the dielectric constant of the soil.

3. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors: These sensors use electromagnetic waves to measure the time it takes for the electromagnetic wave to travel through the soil.

In summary, capacitive soil moisture sensors are more commonly used than resistive soil moisture sensors because they are more accurate, have a wider range of measurement, are non-invasive, and are less expensive. These factors make them well-suited for a variety of soil types and applications.

week Ten

This week, my teammates and I were in a meeting discussing the installation of an automated irrigation system. We talked about the prototype size and the actual physical identity of the prototype. I also read about the relay module and how it works. 

The relay module is a crucial component of an automated irrigation system that enables the controller to manage other electrical devices, such as the solenoid valve and the water pump. It functions as an intermediary between the controller and the other devices, allowing the controller to send signals to the devices to switch them on or off. The relay module is typically comprised of a coil and an armature, which are connected to the device being controlled. When a signal is sent to the coil, it generates a magnetic field that causes the armature to move, which in turn opens or closes the device being controlled. This allows the controller to precisely control the watering process, ensuring that plants receive the right amount of water at the right times.

week Eleven

This week we worked on the prototype of the project. We began by selecting a suitable material for our site, assuming it would accommodate all other components. However, we encountered several difficulties while working on the prototype, but managed to resolve them. Throughout this experience, we gained new insights and acquired valuable skills.