Dagmawi Wondwossen

Hello , My name is Dagmawi Wondwossen, a fourth-year chemical engineering student at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University. It is my pleasure to introduce myself as a member of Group 29 for the 2023 Integrated Engineering Team Project (IETP). Within this portfolio site, You will find ongoing documentation of my contributions to our team's project on a weekly basis. Each status update will outline the tasks I completed during the prior seven days in support of our objectives. So you can see my progress on a weekly basis.

Week One

After our orientation about IETP on Friday we had a meeting with our advisor and wit our teammates . He gave us some information about the project in general and what our responsibilities are on what we should do in the coming weeks. And gave us an assignment to come up with our own idea and have a meeting before we suggest three top ideas from our meeting to him next week.

Week Two

On November 7,2023, we had a meeting as we presented our own ideas for the project. I had an idea about an Iot based multilevel security system. every group member gave their own ideas and we selected as we were told , top three ideas .

On the following day we had a meeting with our advisor and we presented all our ideas that we discussed previously but mainly the three ideas  we had chosen before. The advisor chose two ideas from the three we presented which were the automated irrigation system and the idea that I chose which was the Iot based multilevel security system. And told us to chose between the two ideas. 

And we agreed on the automated irrigation system as our preferred option  after the discussion we had.

Week Three

This week, I have been working on finding out what I can do to help the team on this project as a chemical engineer. 

As a chemical engineer, I can offer some suggestions on how to select the appropriate materials for the system's components, such as the water tank, pipes, and sensors. By understanding the properties of different materials, I can choose materials that are resistant to corrosion, durable, and able to withstand the conditions of the irrigation system.

Overall, while I am not an expert in the specific technical aspects of the project, I believe that my knowledge of chemical processes and systems could be useful in developing the project.

Week Four

This week we had a group meeting without our advisor on Monday. And we discussed on how to allocate different tasks throughout the group based on our field of study. I was assigned to suggest materials for the water tank, pipes based on their durability, corrosion resistance, and compatibility with the Arduino board.

After much looking through different websites  and from which I learned I've come to these materials:

Week Five

On Monday me and my team mated had our weekly meeting in which we discussed briefly about the proposal which will be submitted at the end of the week. We discussed about the objectives  of the project. The tasks which we will be doing within our field of science.  And mainly about the materials that we were going to use in the prototype the prices, types, ...etc. At the end of the meeting we decided on the draft that we were going to take to our advisor and questions about the proposal.

On Wednesday we had our weekly meeting with our advisor and we presented the proposal draft. And we briefly discussed the proposal about what it needs to be added, what needs to omitted, what  needs modification and so on. And finally we asked questions about the proposal we had on Monday and they were answered. We ended our meeting and had a clear idea what the proposal would look.

Personally, I was researching about how to integrate fertilizer into the Smart irrigation  system. And found out that it can easily be added to the system by simply injecting the fertilizer into the water and we  finally agreed that it wouldn't be automated and just be a manual addition so it would not be "smart".

Week Six

On Wednesday, we had our meeting with our advisor as per usual and was asked to study more about our tasks as per our field of study. So i tried to see more about water quality analysis which can be useful in selecting the appropriate materials for the irrigation system.

 Water quality analysis involves testing the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water to determine its suitability for various uses.

Here are some of the parameters that can be analyzed in water quality testing:

1. pH: The measure of the acidity or basicity of water.

2. Temperature: The measure of the water's temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.

3. Electrical Conductivity (EC): A measure of the water's ability to conduct electricity, which is affected by the presence of dissolved solids such as salts and minerals.

4. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): The measure of all organic and inorganic substances present in water, including salts, minerals, and metals.

5. Nitrate (NO3-): A measure of the amount of nitrogen in the water, which can be harmful to human health and plant growth at high concentrations.

6. Phosphate (PO43-): A measure of the amount of phosphorus in the water, which can also be harmful to human health and plant growth at high concentrations.

7. Total Organic Carbon (TOC): A measure of the amount of organic matter present in the water, which can affect its taste, odor, and color.

8. Bacteria and Nutrients: Testing for the presence of harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, as well as nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which can contribute to the growth of these organisms.

9. Heavy Metals: Testing for the presence of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, which can be harmful to human health and the environment.

These parameters can be analyzed using various techniques such as titration, spectrophotometry, and chromatography. The results of the water quality analysis can help determine the suitability of the water for various uses, such as irrigation, drinking, and industrial applications.

In the context of a smart irrigation system project, water quality analysis can help ensure that the water being used for irrigation is of a suitable quality for the crops being grown, and that the irrigation system is not introducing any harmful substances into the soil or water table.

Week Seven

This week as usual we had our weekly meeting with and without our group advisor. We ourselves as group members discussed the size of the prototype and materials that should be used in the prototype. I tried to suggest some of the materials that should be used in the prototype. And the group asked me how we could integrate fertilizer into the project. And I gave my suggestion that the crops will not need it daily and that we could integrate it manually into the system by mixing the fertilizer with the water. 

And we were given an assignment to work on the bill of material until our next meeting with our advisor.

Week Eight

This week I didn't attend the meetings because of illness, so I tried to ask my team mates what they did. I understood that they finished the BOM for the equipment's we need to build the prototype. And on Wednesday they presented it to our advisor and tat they were told to proceed with it.

This week I tried to research on maximum crop yield as much as I can and it reads as follows:

As a chemical engineer in a smart drip irrigation system, my role involves working closely with sensors to ensure optimal water and nutrient delivery to crops, with the goal of achieving maximum yields. Here are some strategies for getting maximum crop yields:

1. Soil monitoring: Monitoring soil moisture, temperature, and other factors can help determine the optimal amount of water and nutrients for crops.

2. Precision irrigation: Delivering the right amount of water and nutrients to the right place at the right time can help maximize crop yields.

3. Crop selection: Choosing crops that are well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions can help ensure maximum yields.

4. Fertilizer management: Applying the right amount and type of fertilizer at the right time can help promote healthy plant growth and maximum yields.

5. Pest and disease management: Monitoring for and controlling pests and diseases can help prevent damage to crops and maximize yields.

By using these strategies, we can optimize the irrigation system and achieve maximum crop yields, leading to more productive and sustainable agriculture practices.

Week Nine

This week we had a meeting about the prototype and we decided to finish the prototype as of next week. I was tasked to buy the parts of the prototype as the others finish the simulation of the project so that we can finish the project.

Week Ten

This week I was tasked to go out sopping the materials for the prototype. So me and my teammate Esubalew went to buy the  parts needed for the project. And delivered it to our team mates. So that our team can get started as soon as possible.

Week Eleven

This week we started building the prototype. Although this is not my part I tried to help as much as I can while learning along the way. And I learned some skills like welding. Which could come in handy in the future. We also encountered some difficulties along the way  for example the workshop was not available to us every  time we needed to  work on the project. So we needed to find another options to go through this the situations. Along with some parts not functioning as they are supposed to. And we were forced to make some little tweaks to the project.

But through all of this obstacles we were able to finish the project and learn some skills along the way.