Widefield Fluorescence Microscopes

The Eclipse TiE Microscope (Nikon Instruments) widefield fluorescence microscope is a workhorse within the facility allowing for high quality phase, chromophore and fluorescence assessments of cell lines, and tissue in a wide variety of vessels. Often this is used to more cheaply optimise research approaches prior to moving these projects onto more expensive and complex technologies such as confocal microscopy.


  • Equipped with a Nikon DS-Qi1MC (monochrome, 1280 x 1024) camera for fluorescence Imaging
  • Equipped with a Nikon DS-Fi1 (colour, 2560 x 1920) for colour and brightfield imaging
  • Inverted microscope platform
  • Time lapse (live-cell)
  • Volume (z-stack) imaging/volume measurements
  • Manual stage movement
  • Intensilight epi-fluorescence illuminator light source for fluorescence illumination
  • CoolLed pE-100 illumination for white light work

Optical Config

Eclipse TiE Optical Config