Data Analysis Software & Systems

The FoMH Core Flow Cytometry & Imaging Facility is we supplied with a range of highly capable specialist flow cytomtry software to facilitate your data analysis. We also provide 2 PC systems to allow for multiple researchers to perform their data analysis simulataneously. Our data analysis services are free to use and are all reservervable through the QReserve online calendar system. Software packages within the facility are listed below:

NIS Elements Advanced Research v4.2 (Nikon Instruments) - 3 copies

BioStation IM Software v2.114 (Nikon Instruments) -1 copy

Harmony (Perkin Elmer) -1 copy

Columbus (Perkin Elmer) - 1 copy

IncuCyte Zoom Software v2016A (Sartorious) - 1 copy

Gen5 Microplate Reader and Imaging Software (BioTek) - 1 copy