Facility Charges

Charges Within The Facility - Higher Education Insitutes (HEIs)

The combined facility is a charged facility based on the need to recover 100% of the running costs for the equipment and facility support staff. These charges are costed in line with other equivalent facilities in the higher education sector through the Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC) model based on Full Economic Costing (FEC) proposals as set forward by HFCE and agreed by the UK Research Councils in 2004. As a result we are run as a not for profit facility and our pricing is assessed annually and submitted to TRAC annually based on our previous year's usage and costs.

Our current (2022) costs for University/HEI Research Projects are listed below:

Facility Access Charge

Upon registration with the facility you will receive a Facility Access Surcharge of £50 per year. This charge will grant you access to all arms of the facility, in particular to our broad range of offline analysis application software and PCs which following this charge are free to use anytime. This charge is used to help the facility resource new software and renew our offline analysis platforms to enhance your research output.

Flow Cytometry Charges

Cell Sorting

Flow Cytometer Analysers

Metabolimetry Charges

Imaging Charges

Confocal Microscopes

Live Celll Imaging & Fluorescence Microscopy

High Throughput-High Content Imaging

Fluorescence, Absorbance & Luminescence Imaging

All training is charged for time on the relevant system, staff time is free

Staff Support Charges

  • Additional Staff Support for data Analysis or Acquisition on top of training or setting of instrument settings charge at £30/hr

  • Staff out of hours charges for out of hours analysis and sorting support £30/hr

Out of Hours Usage

All facility equipment except for the Influx cell sorter can be used and run out of hours at the prices listed above. For those projects with clinical material that may require specialist out of hours support then this must be requested in advance via medlfacs@leeds.ac.uk or medlconf@leeds.ac.uk and organised with support staff for a mutually convenient time. We aim to accommodate any reasonable requests although out of hours support is not guaranteed. Out of hours staff support will be eligible for staff costs at £30/hr

Normal Working Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri

Out of Hours: 7am-9am & 5pm-9pm

Booking Cancellations and Penalties

The facility requests that all users please ensure that the qreserve booking times are adhered to as closely as possible so we can minimise the impact on other research projects and maximise work throughput in the facility. We request that if researchers are no longer able to attend their booked slot on the equipment on a given day, that they cancel their booking at the earliest opportunity so as to allow the slot to be used by other researchers if needed. Failure to cancel or persistent overbooking will result in fines based on the Qreserve calendar bookings instead of the actual time on system. We are a heavily used facility and both equipment and staff time during busy periods means that respecting booking schedules will allow the facility to continue to deliver an excellent service while maintain the research throughput during working hours.

Charges Within The Facility - External Collaborators

Facility Access Charge

Upon registration with the facility you will recieve a Facility Access Surcharge of £56 per year. This charge will grant you access to all arms of the facility, in particular to our broad range of offline analysis application software and PCs which following this charge are free to use anytime. This charge is used to help the facility resource new software and renew our offline analysis platforms to enhance your research output.

Flow Cytometry Charges

Cell Sorting

Flow Cytometer Analysers

All training is charged for time on the relevant system

Metabolimetry Charges

Imaging Charges

Confocal Microscopes

Live Celll Imaging & Fluorescence Microscopy

High Throughput-High Content Imaging

Staff Support Charges

  • Additional Staff Support for data Analysis or Acquisition on top of training or setting of instrument settings charge at £42/hr

  • Staff out of hours charges for out of hours anlysis and sorting support £30/hr

Out of Hours Usage

All facility equipment except for the Influx cell sorter can be used and run out of hours at the prices listed above. For those projects with clinical material that may require specialist out of hours support then this must be requested in advance via medlfacs@leeds.ac.uk or medlconf@leeds.ac.uk and organised with support staff for a mutally convenient time. We aim to accommodate any reasonable requests although out of hours support is not guarenteed. Out of hours staff support will be eligable for staff costs at £42/hr

Normal Working Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri

Out of Hours: 7am-9am & 5pm-9pm