NUGGETS: co-creation January 2023


NUGGETS stands for 'New undergraduate Gems: Great Educator Tips Shared'.  This is a monthly remote workshop (12-1 pm the first Wednesday of the month) which aims to develop educators. You can claim 1 hour of Educator CPD for your appraisal.

Below you will find a summary of the learning from the 2nd November workshop.


CPD is worth up to 1 hour.  


The theme for this session is:


What is co-creation and why should we think about this approach on clinical placement?


Aim - explore co-creation on clinical placement - how might we do this and what are the benefits?


Definition of co-creation:

“...staff and students working together in an ongoing, reciprocal, creative, and mutually beneficial process to negotiate and share decision-making...” 

(Lubicz Nawrocka, 2020)

Questions we will think about:  


Co-creation is a mindset a process where you lean into and trust the process and the persons

Co-creation is part of QMUL core ethos - see this page for more info on what it is, the benefits and challenges to students and tutors etc.  

'Co-creation is a process of student engagement that encourages students and staff members to move away from curriculum as delivery to curriculum as the joint making of meaning. Both staff and students have a voice and a stake.' 

Educator examples and tips on co-creating  

- Allow students to co-create their timetable during the placement. You can review this at the tutorials and ensure it’s covering their learning. 

- Create a session on EMIS and book patients in

- Co-create tutorials with students 

- Neer pear teaching with GP tutor e.g. co-facilitate 

- Co-create induction programmes 

Issues - benefits and challenges 

- Increases student autonomy 

- Some students may not be motivated 

- Challenges of managing time but can actually save time also e.g. when students follow up their own patients, contact patients with results that have come back after checking management plan with the GP. Also they can write referral letters, visit patients e.g. do initial patient assessment on home visit and the GP joins later – when the student presents their findings. 

- Students use this to focus learning based on their needs. Eg sitting with pharmacists before the prescribing exam. 

- Generates novel ideas eg students requested a community walk-about to understand context of health. 

- Increased responsibility eg by following up patients. 

- Some students may want more structure, may need to be upskilled in co-creative approaches on clinical placement. 

Additional discussions 

- General practice is inherently risky. Learning to work in this environment is core General practice. Ability to handle and take risk and not be overwhelmed, such important skill for future clinicians

- Students are getting more knowledgeable.