NUGGETS workshop 7th September 2022 

What is NUGGETS?

NUGGETS  stands for 'New undergraduate Gems: Great Educator Tips Shared'.  This is a monthly remote workshop (12-1pm first Wednesday of the month) which aims to develop educators.  The first workshop was held on the 7th of September and below is a summary of ideas. 

Belonging and Mattering

The following questions were explored 

What ideas were shared 

Providing food and drinks to create an informal atmosphere

Getting to know the students

Making the students feel valued

Ideas for activities and engaging with students

Educational theory (or pedagogy)

The ideas shared and discuss related to educational theory. 

Creating a psychologically safe system at the beginning

Students learning on placements is inherently risky. They are learning and performing in front of their peers, tutors and patients on complex subject matters. The interpersonal risks include mistakes, sharing ideas, challenging others, showing emotions, and experimenting.

Psychological safety is defined as “a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.” Amy Edmondson

How can you reduce these interpersonal risks and create a safe learning environment?

Authentic tasks (tasks that are real) add value for the learning encounter

There is evidence that task authenticity or fidelity enhances the learning for students.

How can you deliver authentic experiences?

Students feel valued if they are part of the team

Situated learning suggests that placements are communities of practice. Students arrive at the periphery and move towards the centre, where they are part of the team.

Support students to move to the centre of learning

How can we do this?

Activating prior knowledge

Constructivism suggests that learners co-construct their knowledge through experience and reflection. This is building on prior knowledge. Knowing where they are helps to provide tailored learning experiences.

How can we achieve this?

Providing challenging, enriched learning: Learning at the zone of proximal development

Learning at the zone of proximal development (ZPD) provides better learning. Students need to be scaffolded by a more knowledgeable other (MKO). This is an idea developed by Vygotsky.

How might we do this?

Learner centred

Students learn better if the opportunities are developed around their learning needs.

How might we do this?


Exploring the Construct of Psychological Safety in Medical Education

Sian Hsiang-Te Tsuei 1, Dongho Lee, Charles Ho, Glenn Regehr, Laura Nimmon

Affiliations expand

Authenticity made visible in medical students’ experiences of feeling like a doctor

Int J Med Educ. 2019; 10: 113–121.

Published online 2019 Jun 14. doi: 10.5116/ijme.5cf7.d60c