celebrating Women

Career Insights
As part of International Women’s Day, Discovery mothers generously shared their career journeys. Their stories inspired our students, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and determination.

The Village of Love

We also witnessed the village—the village of women who wrap love around our students!  

Thank you Mothers

Thank you Grandmothers

Thank you Aunties and God-mothers 

Our ReadingChallenge met Women's Day

Moms read captivating books to our eager learners. These stories not only entertained but also conveyed powerful messages about the importance of reading!

Musical Notes, Women in the Arts!

Some talented mothers played musical instruments, filling our corridors with delightful melodies.

Cupcakes and flowers to Celebrate!

In our early years classes, mothers enjoyed sweet moments with their children, sharing flowers, cup-cakes, and creating lasting memories. These seemingly small gestures strengthen our bonds as a school community.

Celebrating the Women behind Discovery!

And lastly, our dedicated team joined the celebration by dressing in white, purple, and green—the colors symbolizing empowerment, creativity, and growth. High-fives were exchanged, and laughter echoed as they appreciated each other’s commitment to our students. A shared pastry and a single flower reminded us of the beauty in collaboration and the impact we make every day.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” 

— Eleanor Roosevelt

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” 

― Maya Angelou

important reminders 

📝 Week 2 & 3 Reading Challenges

 (March 11-22)

*This week, help your child(ren) create a reading corner/space or a reading basket at home with their favourite books.

*Link reading to writing, have your child write or draw something related to their favourite book

*Journal with your child about their favorite book. 

*Take a photo/video of your child doing any of these challenges at home. We will give students prizes for the best photos.

*Read a book to your child's class, any school morning between 8:30 to 9:30 for primary classes. You can also bring any of your favourite books and talk about their impact on your life. 

House T-shirt Collection

Our house T-shirt collection is ongoing in the primary section. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that all T-shirts are returned for branding. If your child hasn't brought back their T-shirt, please label it clearly with their name and class. These T-shirts will be branded and ready for our end-of-term inter-house event.

Dates to remember

Tuition and Fees Payment

Thank you to all parents who have settled their term 1 and 2 fees already, this allows us to continue to offer outstanding provision to your children. We are now processing term 3 payments. 

Remember to clear termly fees and any charges related to sports kit, fieldtrips, photos as well as any exam fees that are due or overdue. Always send proof of payment to the admin line 0781111002. 

Term 3 starts in April, please note that children should be kept at home until parents have settled all outstanding balances.


How to Pay Fees

Important Notice: Late Pick-Up Fines

As we continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of our students, we kindly remind you of our late pick-up policy.

Late Pick-Up Charges:

Full Day Students:

Club Days:

Half Day Students:

Other Reminders:


Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a smooth and safe dismissal process for all our students.