Rogue Jacques
It has been an honor to receive Monsieur Rogue Jacques at @Discovery. He has been a true blessing to our Discovery community. He has supported students individually and in group work and has taught in all of our French classes. 

Professional Development

 Our teachers were not left behind. Mr. Jacques supported our teachers by giving them personal advice, and he has been part of our professional development, providing input in different areas. 

Thank you

To all our primary students

Your hard work is appreciated!

Visit of Mr Philippe Liria 

Mr. Philippe came to visit our Discovery campus. He works with CLE International. He came to read some books to our CE2 students and also donated some books. The students had a fun time and enjoyed listening to his stories. He also encouraged our students to work on their creative writing skills. 

Discovery Book Parade

Personal Reading Time

Students had some personal reading time as well. Throughout the week, they had their own reading time in their classes. Keep up the reading culture! 

Children and parents reading at home!

To all parents and students, thank you so much for your participation, encouragement, and the time you set aside to support and promote your children's reading at home, or to read to them. This is incredibly important as it will expand their vocabulary, improve their spelling, and broaden their imagination. 

"Books make great gifts because they have whole worlds inside of them.”

------Neil Gaiman

 “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.”

-------Mason Cooley

important reminders 

📝 Week 2 & 3 Reading Challenges

 (March 11-22)

*This week, help your child(ren) create a reading corner/space or a reading basket at home with their favourite books.

*Link reading to writing, have your child write or draw something related to their favourite book

*Journal with your child about their favorite book. 

*Take a photo/video of your child doing any of these challenges at home. We will give students prizes for the best photos.

*Read a book to your child's class, any school morning between 8:30 to 9:30 for primary classes. You can also bring any of your favourite books and talk about their impact on your life. 

House T-shirt 

On Friday, the 22nd of March, we distributed all the House T-shirts to our students. They have been branded and are ready for our upcoming spelling bee event, which will take place on Tuesday, the 26th of March. This event marks the end-of-term inter-house competition. Photos and videos will be shared with the parents shortly after. 

Dates to remember

Tuition and Fees Payment

Thank you to all parents who have settled their term 1 and 2 fees already, this allows us to continue to offer outstanding provision to your children. We are now processing term 3 payments. 

Remember to clear termly fees and any charges related to sports kit, fieldtrips, photos as well as any exam fees that are due or overdue. Always send proof of payment to the admin line 0781111002. 

Term 3 starts in April, please note that children should be kept at home until parents have settled all outstanding balances.


How to Pay Fees

Important Notice: Late Pick-Up Fines

As we continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of our students, we kindly remind you of our late pick-up policy.

Late Pick-Up Charges:

Full Day Students:

Club Days:

Half Day Students:

Other Reminders:


Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a smooth and safe dismissal process for all our students.