Discovery is back for the seventh year!

It is a pleasure to start a new school year with you all and we send a warm and special welcome to new families in the Discovery community!  Here are a few updates from our first few days back at school. Tuesday, August 23rd marked the first day of school for our primary students, whereas our early years classes followed suit on Wednesday, August 24th.  

Discovery in Kibagabaga 

Wednesday was also the opening day of our new campus in Kibagabaga. This campus will host 2's, 3's, 4's and 5 year old classes. These classes will also continue at our Gisozi campus. 

Please share the news with all your friends and family in the Kibagabaga, Kinyinya, Kimironko, and surrounding areas!  Album:Kibagabaga Campus Opening Day 

back to school!

Access card verification

Clubs and enrichment 

Available Clubs


Rwandan traditional dance 




Robotics/Coding/3D Design

Extra French Club

Extra English Club

Homework and Revision Club

Bible Club

Coming Soon


Musical Instruments

Click here to register your child for clubs

(Use an email address you registered with Discovery)

Traffic Flow

We aim to keep traffic flowing fast at pick-up and drop-off, here is how you can participate!

Arrival/Drop-off Guidelines

Dropping off younger children..

Early Arrivals (before 7:40 am)

Picking up your child from Discovery

Late pick-up fines

Meeting or Talking to Staff at Pick-Up or Drop-Off

Car Safety 

Hygiene Supplies

If you have not, please deliver the following resources to support class hygiene and minimise the spread of infections, every child is required to bring;

Parents of New 2 and 3 Year Olds

The first two weeks of school can be challenging for children and parents. However, rest assured that soon your child will feel at ease in their new environment.

Here are a few tips;

Late confirmations and late registrations

Office Hours

Communicating with Discovery Teachers

 Morning Snack

Please send your child with a healthy snack and drink every day. Click here for detailed snack guidelines

Nap requirements

Full-day students aged 4 years and below bring a blanket and 1 or 2 bed sheets every Monday and take them home every Friday for washing.

Clothing, footwear and sun-protection

Making Payments to Discovery

You may pay your child’s fees using MTN Mobile Money 182*8*1*040894

Bank Payment

Urwego Bank

The account name is DISCAL LTD.

RWF 111 6293050122

USD account 111 6293050114